Birthdate: Long Time Ago Birthplace: Dem Dare Hills Hometown: Dem Thar Hills Lifetime Goals: More Super Bowl Rings Hobbies: Fans and Cheerleaders Favorite T.V. Show: 49ers in the Playoffs Favorite Web Site: Favorite Movie: Jerry Maguire...(had 49ers in it!) Favorite Actor (Why): Robin Williams...49ers Fan of Course Favorite Food: Garlic Fries Favorite Color: Cardinal and Gold Favorite Sport: DUHH! Favorite Vacation Spot: Stadium Parking Lot C Happiest When: DUH.....Winning!! Most Memorable Moment: The Catch II... Because it happened three feet away and Terrell (Owens) came flying into me knocking my boots off. Favorite Appearance: Anything with the Cheerleaders Favorite 49ers Player: Anyone who suits up in cardinal and gold Anything Else: Sam is the only 5 time ProBowl Mascot in the NFL, and has been featured on football on Fox, Monday Nite Football, Sportscenter, Extra, MTV, Evening Magazine, and Nickleodeon. E-mail Sourdough Sam - |