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The Very Cool MOD Chip

PS2 Laser Calibration Information  


This is an advanced procedure for experienced individuals only to calibrate the PS2 laser unit and is done so at your own risk. If done incorrectly you can dramatically effect the performance of your console. The accuracy of the setting of this pot is critical and it may take several minutes to reach an optimum setting.

Some PS2's require a "tweek" to the Potentiometers (POTS) to enable the laser to read certain types of CDR Media & to stop a clicking sound that emits from the drive on boot up of the game. This solution was first apparent with the older model PSX Playstations, most notably the SCPH-100x models.

The POTS are situated underneath the DVD ROM drive unit. The easiest way to access them is to remove the expansion bay (metal housing) by removing 1 screw and CAREFULLY removing the short ribbon connector. Stand the PS2 vertically (being careful it doesn't fall over) to allow easy access to the pots. After testing we found that the best value to set them at was between 550-650 ohms. This is only approximately a quarter of a turn clockwise and is graphically represented in the picture below. Results may vary.

To test the ohms value (resistance) use a multi-meter connected to the positive & negative points illustrated below.

Laser Calibration Instructions at

" PlayStation"  is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment and "Dreamcast" is a trademark of Sega Corp. to which we have no affiliations. Our company is not affiliated with Sony or Sega in any way. The modifications, MOD chips, Stealth Game Enhance or any other item's listed on this web site was not produced, manufactured or endorsed by Sony Corp., Sega Corp. nor any of its affiliates or representatives, therefore they hold no responsibility for the use of this modification with their product.