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Dreamcast Information:

Import Games
Boot Disk




















































                Buy a DreamChip! hot.gif (1620 bytes)

If you want to play import Dreamcast games without spending $200+ for a Japanese Dreamcast, then this chip is for you.

There are some great games out right now for the Dreamcast, but if you want the new titles released for other regions of the world, the DreamChip is a good solution for playing them. Like the PlayStation and DVD movie players, the Dreamcast plays only games meant for the region in which they are sold, in this case, Japan, the United States, or Europe. If you ever try to play a Japanese Dreamcast game on your U.S. Dreamcast, you'll get an unfriendly "Please insert game disc" message, and the game won't load.

The DreamChip is a computer chip that you can solder to the motherboard of any Dreamcast. It overrides the country code settings, letting you play any Dreamcast game from any country.

The Import Game
More than half of the video games released in the United States are developed in Japan or Europe. They're released overseas anywhere from a couple of months to more than a year before they're released in the U.S. That is, if they are released here; most games aren't. Take the Sony PlayStation, for example: there are more than four times as many games for the PlayStation in Japan as there are in the United States. That's too bad, considering that many Japanese video games are made with English menus, so they're not hard to figure out, especially action and fighting games.

The best and most recent Dreamcast games from the top producers such as Capcom, Sega, Konami, etc. generally launch within the Japanese market first. But can you really wait that long to play some of the hottest games available.

After installing the DreamChip, you can play import games on your enhanced U.S. model Dreamcast with no problems whatsoever. To run a foreign game, you just put it in your chipped Dreamcast with the power off, close the lid, and turn the power on. Foreign games will not boot from the main Dreamcast menu, although domestic games will. The DreamChip has been tested with more than 100 games (including multidisc games) from the United States, Japan, and Europe and have found no problems. You can even play PAL-mode European games in color on a U.S. model Dreamcast with a DreamChip. This is normally very hard to do.

The DreamChip is an "upgrade" MOD chip that allows you to play EVERY import game worldwide on any Dreamcast console, even double disk games. No swap trick required, no battery or Bios exchange needed! When installed in your Dreamcast you can use import CD's from every country in all possible formats. You can play the newest import titles from any country including Japan, America or Europe!

American and European Dreamcast customers can play any PAL or NTSC made game on their machine all in perfect color. No PAL or NTSC problems!

Our new chip installs fast, clean and easy. Just 4 simple wires to attach. No chips need to be removed (lifted), No legs to cut, No headaches! Only 4 simple wires to attach. Takes less than 15 minutes to install. Works absolutely perfect. That's it!

Our chips work flawlessly with EVERY game in EVERY Dreamcast console!


      Buy a Boot Disk!  hot.gif (1620 bytes)

If you want to play import and back-up games and not have to modify your Dreamcast, then this disk is for you!

There are some great games out right now for the Dreamcast, but if you want the new titles released for other regions of the world, the Boot CD is a good solution for playing them. It overrides the country code settings, letting you play any Dreamcast game from any country.

Want to play your back-up games? No problem with the Boot CD. Simply insert the Boot CD into your Dreamcast and turn it on. When your screen displays the message "Please insert CD!", remove the Boot CD and replace with your back-up game. It's that easy!


Does the DreamChip work with my USA Dreamcast? Japanese Dreamcast? European Dreamcast?

YES! Our DreamChip is universal and works on EVERY Dreamcast both NTSC and PAL, both foreign and domestic. After installing our DreamChip you are able to play games from Japan, Europe and the USA.

Will the mod chip need to solder it into my Dreamcast?

YES! However with only 4 wires to connect it's simpler and faster than a 7 wire PSX MOD chip.

Once the mod is done, can it be removed?

The mod may be removed with a simple procedure and you will have an original  Dreamcast that is capable of only loading games from it's original territory.

Will I be able to play backups of my original Dreamcast games?

Yes. It would seem that backups are possible under certain conditions but we have no information regarding these procedures. See our links page for sites providing this information.

Can they damage a Dreamcast?

Not with the DreamChip. The only way you can damage a Dreamcast is through an improper installation!

IMPORTANT: The intended purpose of the DreamChip and Boot CD is to allow the user to play imports and/or backups on the Dreamcast. Using a DreamChip to modify your console will void your warranty with Sega.

WARNING: It is illegal to make backups of games you don't own.

" PlayStation"  is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment and "Dreamcast" is a trademark of Sega Corp. to which we have no affiliations. Our company is not affiliated with Sony or Sega in any way. The modifications, MOD chips, Stealth Game Enhance or any other item's listed on this web site was not produced, manufactured or endorsed by Sony Corp., Sega Corp. nor any of its affiliates or representatives, therefore they hold no responsibility for the use of this modification with their product.