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What happened during the sixties? What major events took place? Here is a list of some of the most important events of each year...

  • 1960
    • Chubby Checker creates a national dance craze with "The Twist." "Do the twist!"
    • February 13 - France explodes its first atomic bomb in the Sahara desert. It has a yield of 60-70 kilotons. Ouch!
  • 1961
    • Elizabeth Findlay (my mother) was born in June.
    • The Beatles perform their first show at Liverpool's Cavern Club. Sweet!
  • 1962
    • Steven Findlay (my father) was born in March.
    • October 16-29 - The Cuban Missile Crisis pushes the United States and the Soviet Union to the brink of nuclear war.
  • 1963
    • Nov. 22, 1963 - John Fitzgerald Kennedy is assassinated. A sad moment in American history.
    • Martin Luther King Jr. Makes His "I Have a Dream" Speech. I had a dream too...never mind.
  • 1964
    • Philips makes public the compact cassette. Cool!
    • March 1964 - President Lyndon Johnson declares "War on Poverty." A valiant effort that was.
  • 1965
    • Malcolm X assassinated. Another sad day in history.
    • New York City - Great Blackout. Why have I never heard about this until now? I guess I'll never know.
  • 1966
    • The cassette tape is introduced commercially. Cool!
    • Star Trek T.V. series airs. Captain, I givin' her all she's got! That is not logical." - 'nuff said.
  • 1967
    • Mr. Johnston (my advanced computer applications teacher) graduated college! Alright!
    • First successful heart transplant & first Super Bowl. That's a lot of firsts. *1st, 1st, 1st, 1st.* Ok, that is a lot firsts as well.
  • 1968
    • August 24 - France tests its first hydrogen bomb at Fangataufa Atoll in the South Pacific. (2.6 megatons)
    • The Apollo 8 crew communicate by radio over a distance of some 239,000 mi (approx 394,000 km) with their control center in Houston, Texas, while orbiting the Moon
  • 1969
    • The Woodstock Festival draws 400,000 to a 600-acre farm in upstate New York.
    • Neil Armstrong becomes the first man on the Moon. "One small step for man, and one huge leap for mankind." -or something like that.