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CIA Involvement in Anti-Terrorism!

What part does the CIA play in anti-terrorism? Since the attacks that took place on September 11, 2001, numerous groups have joined each other in the neverending battle against terrorism. Of course many of the more popular groups are government organizations like the FBI and the CIA. But what have these groups done to help out in the fight against terrorism? Specifically, what part does the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) play in all of this?

The CIA has been a broker between Israeli and Palestinian security services, urging the two sides to co-operate directly. That is, until the Bush Administration pulled the plug on the operation, in an attempt to take a hands-off stance toward the negotiations.

When terrorists attacked the USA on September 11, 2001, every government agency in the nation thrusted themselves in the growing group of people striving to aid those involved in the attacks. The CIA has involved itself by searching for the people responsible for the destruction. The CIA trained and armed around 60 Pakistani soldiers in 1999 planning to have them enter Afghanistan and capture or kill Osama bin Laden. Negotiations back home didn't work out though, and so the operation was aborted. If bin Laden had been killed would the attacks that took place on September 11th have still occurred? One will always wonder.

The CIA constantly works towards the ultimate, yet farfetched goal of eliminating all inklings of terrorism in the world. Nonetheless, you must applaud their efforts. They never give up. They never stop giving all they've got.

My condolences to those who suffered and are still suffering from the attacks on September 11, 2001.

MOKTOMAN                                                                                                   BACK