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Moktoman Presents... LOGO
The Holiday Season - Moktoman Style!

How do Moktoman and his family spend the holidays? Well, they don't do anything special, although they are diverse in their own ways. It all starts around the beginning of November...
Because Halloween has just ended, Moktoman's family usually has many pumpkins laying around the house. Moktoman's mother, Beth, always jumps at the opportunity to make something out of pumpkins. Pies or breads are the most popular of her creations. Of course she never makes these pumpkin pies for just the immediate family...
Those pumpkins pies are almost always saved for Thanksgiving day. Moktoman's family usually invites both sets of Moktoman's grandparents, and some of Moktoman's aunts, uncles, and cousins. When Thanksgiving doesn't occur at Moktoman's house, then the alternate place of celebration is either one of his grandparent's houses. Regardless of where it takes place, it usually progresses the same...
Family members arrive in chunks to the house that has been decided on. Friendly greetings, hugs, and kisses erupt, and soon die down to simple chatter. Occasionally laughter pierces the melody of conversation, along with the noise of TV blaring a baseball or football game in the back of the house. Appetizers are always plentiful, and usually consist of Fritos, guacomole, all sorts of spicy salsas, and cracker/cheese plates. Sodas, water, and beer are always available for drinking, and occasionally some juices will be set out. Hours fly by as the turkey is roasted... Turkey Greetings
Naked Turkey Thanksgiving dinner always passes quickly. Moktoman's family usually holds hands, prays, and then moves along the food set out on the counters in the kitchen, picking out portions of food as they move along, almost as if they are in a buffet line. They sit down, they eat, and they talk - a lot! But don't we all? Anyway, a group game of "Catch Phrase or some other type of group orientated game is usually played out, and then after a some pie and ice cream, everybody says goodbye. More hugs and kisses erupt, as if the introductory hugs and kisses were not enough, and soon everyone leaves...
Nothing much really happens between Thanksgiving and Christmas, except for Christmas shopping and bad weather. But when Christmas rolls around everybody gets excited...
Wrapping paper flys around and presents get wrapped. People are smiling and pine trees are packed (in tree lots that is). Moktoman's family plans for Christmas bash. The plans are usually go like this:
  • Christmas Eve Moktoman's family goes to his dad's mom's house (Moktoman's grandma) There they enjoy a funfilled evening with the rest of Moktoman's dad's side of the family. Presents are opened, laughter is heard all around, and much food is consumed. Hugs and kisses fly around, people leave, and present not, is sound. To bed goes everybody, as the morning nears...
  • presents
  • Christmas morning finally arrives. Moktoman emerges from bed at the speed of light, makes a quick stop at the bathroom and then meets everyone down stairs by the Christmas tree. His dad usually walked around groggily, a video camera in hand, filming the entire half hour it takes to open all the presents under the tree. Moktoman's brother, usually jumpy and excited, bounces around the room in a hyper frenzy. The stockings are emptied, the presents are opened and the room is littered with wrapping paper. Smiles light up the house and hugs are exchanged. Then as the noon hour arises they prepare to head down to Moktoman's mom's mother's house for Christmas dinner...
  • The evening at Moktoman's mom's mother's house starts out slow. Hugs and kisses are exchanged, presents are set out under the Moktoman's mom's mother's Christmas tree, and all the women usually head into the kitchen to work on dinner. The men sit around talking, usually about current events or something. Moktoman, his brother, and any other young people huddle in the living room talking, laughing and exchanging stories, and playing with the toys they've recieved that morning from their parents and each other. After many hours of appetizers, conversations, and laughter dinner finally occurs...
  • Moktoman's family gathers together, holds hands, and one person is chosen to say a prayer. Some people say a few words, and after Moktoman's dad complain that the food is getting cold, everyone says "Amen." They head toward the kitchen, where food is spread out on the counters. Everyone gets in a line and shuffles along the counter (like a buffet line) putting turkey, mash potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, bacon/cheese/zuccini casserole (Moktoman's favorite dish) and many other items on their plates. After gathering their food, everybody sits, eats, chats, and laughs the night away. Once everyone has almost finished eating someone always brings up the fact that the presents have not been opened yet (usually Moktoman) and so everyone heads in the living room to open them...
    Moktoman's grandma usually hands out the presents randomly, checking the labels and distributing the presents accordingly. Smiles go wide, hugs are given, and crinkling wrapping paper becomes ongoing. After all the presents have been opened, some Christmas music is put on and then everyone enjoys some dessert (usually pie or ice cream or something). As the evening comes to a close, the family says their goodbyes and leave with smiles on their faces, and presents in their arms...
    Less than a week later, on December 31st, the new year arrives. Moktoman's family brings out the wine glasses and celebrates the coming of a new year with a (wine) glass of sparkling cider and some appetizing dessert. As the ball drops, Moktoman and his family embraces the new year with good-hearted cheer.
    As your can see, Moktoman truly does have...