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Thoughts on September 11th, 2001

What has the world come to? We plague each other with foul attitudes, racism, and now terrorism! Jealousy rages among middle easterners at how we took sides with Israel in their land dispute, and so our so-called enemies attacked us.

When the World Trade Center was attacked, those middle easterners went too far. America now stands united in this battle against the terrorists who caused us so much pain.

Our first step in counter-acting this attack is to get the middle easterners who attacked us to understand something. The United States had no choice but to side with Israel. The Israelites had had no place to live until we ordered that a chunk of another country be set aside to become Israel. The country we took that "chunk of land" from was angered by this.

I say to that country: What else would you have had us do? If we hadn't given the Israelites their own country, they would have wandered around Europe, pestering other countries, in an attempt to fit in. Yes, they may have taken part of your country to do this, but you could've made a deal with Israel to share resources or something. I don't know the exact circumstances that led to the creation of the new Israel, but it seems to me that there has to be a better way to settle this than terrorism.

My condolences to those who suffered and are still suffering from the attacks on September 11, 2001.

MOKTOMAN                                                                                                   HOME