BackStreet Boys


Do you know the BackStreet Boys? ... No? Don't you know five boys from Orlando? They are: Brian, Nick, Kevin, AJ and Howie D.



Alexander James "AJ" McLean (01/09/1978)

Brian "B-Rok" Littrell (02/20/1975)

Howard "Howie D." Dorough (08/22/1973)

Kevin Richardson (10/03/1972)

Nick Carter (01/28/1980)

I love their songs. They are cool, but firstly they are so sweet. At the most I like Brian... and you? If you don't know him you have to hear "That's what she said" or "Perfect fan": he has written these songs...

The BSB's songs was a help for me. They helped me to being a man.


Brian, if I could tell you a thing (to you and all your group) I'd say:

"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rain fall soft upon your fields. May God hold you in the palm of His hand." ...good luck boys!!

For more of BSB clik here:

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