Entry 000001; 09.03.01

Wait a second. I have nothing to say. I've done nothing but homework all day. WHAT THE HECK!!!

i think i had somethign to say, but i've forgotten it. however, while i was making my EE homework, i found it sounded sort of pathetic and i've published it somewhere on my site. i would link directly to it, but i'm too lazy. you look for it.


514 word documents. 1199 text documents.

No...wait...i think i need to repeat these numbers again. Just for emphasis. 514 word documents. 1199 text documents. one thousand, seven hundred, and thirteen files of text, all written by me over the course of less than five years.

i was just looking through some old archived folders, looking for somethign interesting to put on my pages. Normally, I think that i don't write nearly as much as i should. A good writer is always writing, even in his or her head. Practice is what makes a good writer a great writer. And I always thought I didn't write enough.

so while looking through my old files, I realized i have written just a little bit more than what i thought. So i did a search of *.doc and *.txt, and got a large chunk of a number. I subtracted a couple hundred from the text file number, and got 1199. I subtracted about 30 from the .doc number, and got about 514. These subtractions were in case they are items written for software, readme's and the like. Yet. Still. I have written a shitload of crap. Maybe I will become a writer after all.

The Ashia