Entry 000016; 09.21.01

Feeling uninspired today. Nothing really to talk about. I slept a lot. A LOT.

While I was taking my noon nap, I had a dream. I'm trying to remember what it was. Give me a moment. Right now, all I can remember is thugs chasing me down and beating the shit out of me.

Actually...you know what is odd. I'm gonna start the dream about halfway here, just to talk about this, so bear with me:

So these thugs, they kept chasing me down. There were two of them, one was bigger than the other, and they had these wierd cartoon eyes. They were scary, both male, around 170-200 pounds, in their 20's. The first time they beat me up, they smashed my head through a window, and there were shards of glass embedded in my face. Apparantly, they screwed up my face so badly that they were horrified at the sight of me, and ran away in horror. This was good and bad. It got them to quit kicking the shit out of me, but it also meant they fucked me up pretty badly. So I went to a mirror and looked at myself, and aside from powdered glass being all over me, and a few cuts and bruises, I looked fine. What is wierd, is that I could see myself in the mirror. Now, to do this in a dream, this means I have to have some kind of image of my own face somewhere in my memory. This is odd, since normally when I try to picture my own face, I can't do it. Crazy, huh?

Ok so at the beginning of the dream, I'm staying over my aunt Jackie's for vacation, which is either summer or fall break, I can't remember. I'm staying in this small room off of a loooong hallway. Then my mom is there visiting, and we're all getting ready to celebrate my grandfather's birthday or some other celebration for him. They are getting the house all ready and all that, and that's when my dad calls, and I remember that i have to celebrate my YeYe (my other grandfather)'s birthday, and it's kind of imperitave that I go, because he's been sick lately, and he's old and he won't be around for too long. So I'm caught up between staying and celebrating with this grandfather, or going to celebrate with my other grandfather. (Ye Ye's birthday was actually today, strangely enough. I must have subconsiously remembered it).

Ok so just looking at this far in my dream, this is bad. Becasue that means that YeYe must be sick. I'l probably be getting a call from my dad soon about it. I hope he's ok.

On with the dream...

So apparantly i'm staying over my aunt jackie's house for a few hours until my dad picks me up to go visit YeYe. While I'm waiting, I'm hanging out with my cousins. Since I'm waiting for my dad, and since I'm imagineing my little cousins as they were like, 5 years ago, I'm going to assume i'm younger in this dream than i am in "real life." So we're playing around in this wierd psychadelic bathroom, that's all black with neon stuff in it. I think there is a girls' bathroom and a boys' bathroom, and for the time being, I'm hanging out with my cousin Erin in the girls' bathroom. But she gets boring, so I go and hang out in the boys bathroom with Ray Ray and Matty, and eventually Erin comes with me. They really fucked shit up in there, everything is broken and missing and falling down and bent over. I think I'm trying to fix a toilet seat or something that Ray Ray broke when my dad finally shows up.

At this point the dream completely changes, and now i'm suddenly in a group of students on some sort of feild trip. We run into some white trash assholes who start giving us a hard time, and we try our best to ignore them, but they get really annoying. Eventually we leave wherever we were, and we talk about hit it's important to ignore people like that, because they don't know any better, and getting into a fight with them is just stupid.

Then I'm alone, in this room with a huge pool. That's when the thugs show up. I think they are a couple of guys from the white trash gang who had been bothering me and my cohorts earlier. I try to run away but they catch me and beat the shit out of me. I try to fight back, but just like evertime i try to fight in a dream, my limbs move like they are in molasses, and my blows fall lightly, or not at all. So I don't do any damage. Thats when they bash my head through a window, and then realize that i'm covered in blood and hideously mutilated, and they realize they've gone too far. So they run away. That's when I look in the mirror and see myself, and see I'm not that badly beat up.

Then I'm talking to my mom, and she's telling me i have to fool people like that by pretending to run one way and running another. So then they come back, because they realize they didn't hurt me as much as they thought they did, and I give chase. I try listening to my mom, who is standing there, watching me run away, cheering me on, and I run into a small closet off the pool room, and then quickly swerve and try to jump out onto an indoor patio thing. As I'm trying to squirm out the door or window or whatever, they catch me by the shoulders and yank me back in, and proceed to beat the living shit out of me. I think that's when I wake up.

The Ashia