Entry 000039; 11.02.01
I feel so guilty.
I know I haven't been writing much lately (electronically anyway)so I feel as if i've gotten nothing accomplished. HOWEVER, I have spent a lot of time on trains and reading, which of course, creates a wonderful primordial soup of writing inspiration. I had such a super-excellent halloween, I even made two friends at south station. How odd. Anyway i have this wonderful little write up about it but eh I'll get aroudn to typing it out when I'm a little less....falling down tired.
Poor nathan I think I must have hurt his feelings today. I've been a little vicious (moreso than usual) for the last couple of days. I'll tone it down and make it up to him though. He went out of his way to say "i don't want to sleep with you tonight." which is absolutely fine with me because goddamit sleeping nathan just feels so goddamn wrong. I'm tired. You can tell by my writing. At least I hope I don't always write this incoherently.
Anyway, in addition to the two friends I made at south station, I met this new kid Anton who seems really cool. I'm gonna hang out with him, it'll be good to like...leave my room for a little while.
I saw monsters inc. Today (opening day). it as awesome. The little girl in it I swear IS my little cousin Tia. She had the big eyes, the pigtails, she even talked and moved the same. I'll call my mom and tell her to go watch it, she'll get a huge kick out of it.
Tommorro Jim, Drooly, and Devin are coming over to visit. Drooly is coming over to pay me with some cuddles because I'm feelign in need. I long for cuddles! Devin and Jim are going to a metal show and they are going to crash here. I can't wait to hear Jim's insane laugh.
So yeah after halloween I just felt really goddamn good. probably part of it was that I finally spent a huge amount of time releasing all that pent up hate/anger/whatever towards Org in one big ridiculously angsty session. Anther reasono why I owe Nathan like, tons of candy or something, because he was there for me to keep me froom jumping out any windows. Today org was talking to me and he said ...i dunno something and I just looked at his IM and thought, "jesus christ why is he still talking?" Luckily, he's the easiest person in the world to ignore.