Entry 000042; 11.04.01

Now. You know so long as you are reading this, I'm not going to mention anything of interest about you. Silly boy.

You know who you are.

9:00 AM, Jim, train station, home, Drooly, sleep

'The last time,' I told drooly. 'This is the last time.' For his own good, really. But then, I always say that.

The day was a fuzzy smog of boredom. Video games, Hardcore music, Candy. Oh god so much candy. Never let me eat that much candy again. Rookie is obviously not doing his job.

Anton, croutons, drawing Coco Rico. My jaw is out of place. Perhaps I should have warned him better.

More candy...oh god....oh....god....sweet jesus no...mmm....sweeeeeet...

For my own purposes (as everything should be here, since it's my goddamn journal) I'm going to put a fraction right in the corner. You outside readers can ignore it. Just know that as the number approaches zero, I shall feel better. If it doens't....ergh.


The Ashia