Entry 000055; 11.22.01

::eating cheesy mashed potatoes:::


working backwards...

I just got off the phone with Drooly. He's coming to visit next weekend. He's admitted to missing kisses and hugs. Ooooh!

I talked to him on the way home from Nathan's house. I spent the evening there.

Previous to this, Nathan and I spent Thanksgiving at the MOM's house. I spent the day conferencing with various important people of state, that is, playing hide and seek with my little cousins. Mom's house is the MAN for hide and seek. I wished she had lived there while I was small enough to fit into all those tiny little crevices.

Oh wait! I still AM tiny enough to fit into those tiny little crevices. Did I mention I'm eating cheesy Mashed potatoes? Oh my god life is good.

Nathan spent Thanksgiving with the Quill/Jno-Baptiste family. He says we all look crazy. What does he know? He looks like a scary muppet.

So ...Yeah I think cheesy mashed potatoes sums all I have to say about today. Hot damn.


The Ashia