Entry 000057; 11.24.01

Eeee! Today I went to one of Donna's concerts. It was so good to see her. Little Marshall was there too. His voice is changed and his hair is longer but he is pretty much exactly the same as he was three years ago. I'm gonna try to make a point of visiting the Wood's more when I go to Norwell.

I sold cd's, we did very well I think. I took Nathan to the concert. He looked very cute all dressed up. I wanted to punch him.

I re-dyed my hair blue, I'm not sure how well it took. I'll find out on Monday when I dry my hair straight. Sometime this week, I think i shall bake a chocolate cake.

Whoever said paragraphs have to be consistant?

Ug goddamit Nathan is complaining about the dishes to Rach__l and Robert again. Now he's going to make me sound like i'm all complainy. And I promised Robert I wouldn't complain any more. I don't even really mind, especially since the last couple of weeks when I had to do a lot of studying, no one bothered me about not washing my dishes. Also, Rach__l washes the bathroom a lot. I would say that equals things out. Clean bathrooms rock.


The Ashia