Entry 000067; 12.07.01
My Drama professor said she tried to make sure she assigned the right monologue to each person.
She assigned me to a character who goes crazy.
Don't tell me not to feel bitter about this.
I could perform it well. Hell, I could perform it for real just by opening up a few journal entries from last year and remembering what it's like to go nuts.
But, fuck. I don't want to bring back memories that I am damn glad to be rid of. But the thing is I could do it well, I could KICK ASS on this because hell I KNOW this material. Yet.
I dunno. How bad could it be, remembering? I mean I'm better now, right? It was just a bad period and I got over it. Anything I drag out of the closet now is dead. It can't hurt me. I hope.