Entry 000101; 02.05.02

I could have sworn that before I sat down to write, I had something to say. Somehow it all managed to escape me in the process of sitting my fat ass on the chair.

I hung out with Drooly today. I noticed an odd thing the last time I visited him. All of his friends at school are asian. Perhaps it isn't a coincidence that he dated the only asian girl in his high school. It makes you think.

I watched Run Lola Run, which is interesting because it's the first movie since Pi and A Bug's Life that Drooly and I actually have ever watched. Pi and A Bug's Life were our first two dates before I discovered...well those lips. And I think today's viewing was mainly attributed to the subtitles that you have to keep your eyes on.

Drooly apparantly has a problem with me walking around his dorm in my underwear. He thinks his roomates would mind. That's nuts. I can imagine all of them fluttering around like old women (I'm talking about teenage boys here), trying to cover me up with things and shrieking. Right.

I tried "focusing" on people at South Station. I actually did fairly well, even though I did it differently than normal. As I was walking through the lobby (it took me an extremely large amount of time because the place was PACKED with patriots fans for some reason) I picked out a small handful of people whom I thought were going to get on the redline, on the exact train I was going to catch. Worked.

Part of me is uneasy about this.

As Drooly and I waited for my train to arrive, I put my hands on his ears to keep them warm and kept pushing his glasses up by the bridge with my nose. I have such a huge urge just to stay over for the night and cuddle with him for a long time. But it was all emotion...and anything logical reminded me that I really need to enforce that no-Droolies thing. I can't continue this forever, no matter how cute and adorable he is. Murgh. I wish he'd find a goddamn girlfriend. Everytime I don't really mind not having him around, I worry that he's all alone. Then I get started again.

At various times Mis kept popping up in my head again. I think I'll probably end up seeing her soon. As I was waiting for the train into Boston, I thought I saw her walk by me and get into the cart ahead of me, but I know that's insanity. Plus Mis isn't blonde, even though the person I mistook for her was bleached. I think it was just the way I keep thinking about Mis, and the way that girl scrunched her face against the sunlight, it just was a trick of my neurons.

I'm not crazy, by the way.

On the train ride back I fell asleep. Sort of. My first seat was grand and all, except it was right under the Loudest Train Speaker On Earth. Seriously. The volume of the people speaking was perfectly normal, but someone had jacked the amplitude so it practically shook the plexiglass. I finally moved after the first couple of stops, to the end of the car. There, it was still achingly loud, but at least it wasn't right on top of me. I "woke" from my "sleep" feeling like absolute shit. Then for some reason for a minute or two in between waiting for Nathan to pick me up and getting in his car, and I the most painful tummy ache I've had in a while. It was the kind you start screaming from if it goes on too long, but it passed before I went out of control. It was just wierd as heck.

Yeah so uh. Right. When I think of what it was that I wanted to say so badly, I'll mention it.

The Ashia