Entry 000102; 02.07.02

::stuffs ice cream into mouth:: Og. I glug...goomf...oooorggg...

Oh man life is so good.

Yeah so...I keep thinking to myself "Man, I have a load of homework I should do." And then being my productive self, I go do it...and then i'm all like "Whoa that was it? That didn't take any time at all. That was so easy...a little too easy.

It's probably a set up. Life can't be this easy and stress-free. Impossible. No wonder artists get paid diddly. We don't do diddly. Then again I'm not an artist yet. I'm getting ready to be an artist.

Eh whatever same thing. Goddmit where did all the ice cream go?

So, there is this small child stuck between my teeth like a piece of apple. Or maybe it's a piece of lettuce. Oh whatever. Someone get it out. My fat arms are too big, and my hands can't reach my face. ::waddles::


So I got this e-mail from some dickweed today. It consisted of two sentences.:

how can u complain about syntax and then write a poorly worded sentence like this?
This is very difficult to tell between whether the author is trying to introduce an entirely new concept or explain more about a previous one

Imagine my confusion. Now quite obviously, this person is a moron. the thing is that I don't know who they are. or how they got my email address. Ok so at first I thought they were saying I poorly word my sentences, and the first sentence was an example of the style which I have used in writing some other sentence somewhere. This is because they used "this" at the end of the first line. However, I emailed them and told them that not only have I never written anything so poorly done in my life, but I also would NEVER spell "you" as a one-letter word. Then I said that if they were quoting me, and the second sentence was supposedly my work, then they were just plain wrong. I don't start sentences with the word "this" unless it works in context- and I avoid the word "between" entirely in most cases, because I am more fond of using "betwixt" because it sounds ridiculous...and you just can't do that. Because it sounds ridiculous.

I don't know...I'm s confused...so angry...so hurt. Mostly, I am so full of "I am going to rip you a new asshole." No one insults my grammar without just cause. This in itself would make me frustated. But I admit I do fall prey to laziness and I have my bad points. However, they attributed a sentence such as THAT to MY name? Either one of them, both sentences are far below my standard par. Not only that, but they didn't use quotation marks.

Oh yes. Oh yes indeed I will kill them. So I am absolutely certain I have never written either one of those sentences - or any sentences anything like that. So I'm assuming they just mailed the wrong person. Man what a mistake. I know few people who would be so enraged by being accused of such poor work.

Mostly I think this is all just the onset of PMS. I'm feeling no throat-tearing rage yet, but I work like...something sneaky and scary. It sneaks up on me, low so I don't notice it. Then it escalates, and dead bodies start showing up. And I start getting into fights with inanimate objects. Such is the way of life.

So anyway. If anyone knows who Cardinalfire9@hotmail.com is, bring em' over for a cup a joe. Then I can tear them a new asshole while I make them diagram sentences and spell out pronouns in proper english.

The Ashia