Entry 000104; 02.14.02

I really can't stop eating food. I'm starting to worry. I think I may be becoming an American.

Aside from that...

I have no idea what has been keeping me from writing, since I no longer have anything to do. No wait, I think I know. It's all these damn episodes of Family Guy sitting on my desktop, screaming "WATCH ME."

Yesterday, Kaes came over. I made some kickass shepard's pie, and we did another photoshoot. I think these ones (the pictures-not the food) came out really well. I tried to explain to him that there is more interesting about pictures of girls than just thier naked breasts. I really have no way of knowing whether it got through to him. He kept insisting that I wear a lack of clothing, or at least leave everything unbuttoned. Sigh.

Today I went to the Vagina Monologues with Yuko. It was all very interesting, I'll probably write about it on another part of the site when I am feeling less lazy. As an interesting note, I got to hear what a triple-orgasm moan sounds like. MwahHA! Now I know how to fake it. Shit I hate my life.

So, remembering another thing I was thinking about, I think last Saturday it was; Nathan was telling me about some "really hot chicks" who came to the door asking for Orgasmic. He was telling this story for some other point, I'm sure, but the unintended effect felt sort of like rubbing salt into my festering, open and bloody wounds. With a brillo pad.

The end for now. I have the suspicion there are millions of things I have to do right now, even though I can't think of anything at the moment.

The Ashia