Entry 000105; 02.16.02

I have been having the strange feeling that I'm dreaming for the last couple of days. Nothing exciting...or even justified. Just suspicions. I've been turning on the lights and shutting them off and all seems normal (unless them turning on and off ISN'T normal, and my mind is just MAKING me think it!).

So yeah I started my Clark Essay. I need editors. It sucks pretty hardkore and I can tell. But I'm so rusty I have no idea what to do with it. At least it's sappy. Admissions people love sappy. And I'm pretty sure the transfer admissions person is a woman. Women love sappy.

I was talking to Jason yesterday and we started talking about something pertaining to Drooly. I ended up remembering a lot of stuff that I forgot, and when I remembered...well I got bitter. I told Drooly he was a dick.

I really can't shake off this dream feeling. Eargh. It's not horrible but it's sort of ... confusing? It is also a little frustrating, since I'm doing a lot of homework right now. And if this turns out to be a dream, then it's completely for nothing, I'll have to do it all over again.

I was thinking about last year last night. Something about it seems abstract and removed. Like it wasn't me there, it was either an imaginative fantasy, or a movie I saw. WPI is already starting to fall away from my memory. A couple of years after I leave, I want to have no memory of it at all. Hopefully if I see all the people I hate from here when I grow up, I will look at them and not recognize anyone at all. It's comforting to know that memory is subjective. And re-writable.

The Ashia