Entry 000108; 02.20.02

Just don't think about it just don't think about it just don't think about it.

Don't sit still. Just don't stop moving. Clean your room and do your homework and don't let yourself think about it. Just don't think and don't think and don't don't don't don't don't think about it ever ever ever again.

Tell yourself this is all over and things happen. Life goes on and better things happen later. Tell yourself the past was all a dream and you are not the person you were before and you don't care about the characters from yesterday's play. Better yet, forget about them, don't think about them.

Write it out and then forget it. But most importantly-don't think about it while you do it. Move around and don't stop moving. Breath quickly and force your heart to pump blood and work and work and work...occupy your mind with something physical and viceral. Don't look at the hand on the other side of that doorway. Don't listen to the door closed. Slam. Keep the flickering from over there out of your mind and just look the other way, move around, and don't think about things that are over and things that will never be again. Forget your regrets and forget what which you should've and shouldn't have done.

And keep telling yourself: The characters of yesterday's play don't exist.

The Ashia