Entry 000116; 03.05.02

Oh the irony. I got three A's this term. I woo-hooed and waxed on about it to three people, which is probably wrong of me but oh well. (You see, when you do well, you are not supposed to tell anyone - just in case it makes them feel stupid, which it almost always does). The ironic part is that I've completely given up giving a damn about any class I could take at this school. The anti-irony is that they are all ridiculously easy classes. So I suppose it worked out. The double-irony is that people will tell you what a good job you did and how proud they are of you if you get A's in easy classes. But they look upon you with pity if you get a B or a C in an extremely difficult class - which is much harder.

And in that manner, we prove that the earth's inhabitants are flaming idiots. Point made. Now to move on:

Spring break while everyone else is in school is a pain in the ass. I feel unproductive and slothful. I finished Arm's skirt. Here in my journal, I am allowed to go on and on about the effort, time, and frustration it caused me. I am allowed to complain (that's right- "complain." This is directed to those of you assholes who think I have no right, or it is wrong of me to complain in my own damn journal. Go away you suck.) about the old cheeseburger Arm's so politely left in my car until I found it a week later, about his oh-so-benevolent act of letting me borrow a needle (to work on his skirt) so long as I cleaned up his sewing kit, and about his less-than enthusiastic response to the end product. Now, I told him that if he wants a long skirt, it either has to be really huge and baggy, or it has to have long slits in the sides, or else he'd have to walk with mincing girlie steps. That is the way of long skirts. That is why society makes women wear them. No one can expect to take long full strides in a skirt. He looked so dissapointed. He looked at me as if it was my fault.

He might have said "thank you." I can't remember.

And so goes the world. Silently doing favors for the ungreatful sods of the earth.

The Ashia