Entry 000121; 03.20.02

Update update update...hm.

I got a job, which I think I've already mentioned - at Tortilla Sam's. Waitressing is a lot less work than I thought it would be, and much less work than any of my other jobs. I'm making pretty decent money as well. Mom said I don't have to send her any checks for now, which is supercool, so it shouldn't take long to save up for rent and food and film.

I haven't seen Drooly in a while and good riddance. After that last journal entry I just don't feel like it.

Last night I dreamt I was taking this huge white cat in. It was pretty cool. Yeah. The end.

Inasmuch as boys and slumber parties go (I'm working off a questionarre of things to write about from drooly), Lychee and Houxby slept over on Saturday night. Also, I suppose Nathan counts as a boy in some respects, and he is doing well. I've been teaching him some ninja stuff. He doesn't like it, but I can't think of anything else to make him exercise. Of course, as soon as we are done, he goes and buys food covered in fake meat and mayonaise. It's like thick, drippy milk. It made me want to vomit. Or maybe that was just Nathan's face in the background.

Kaes came to visit for a couple of hours on Sunday. We didn't do much, just sat and talked, it was cool. He had a hickey on his shoulder/neck that looked like a large man pounded on him with a hammer for several hours. Scary. When he saw it in the mirror he jumped and screamed.

You know what I want? Vanilla ice cream and crumbled graham crackers. Oh yeah.

I miss my tipps. I have a picture of him now on my desk that I got from my dad's house when I went to dinner with them. Murr. I worry that mom isn't taking care of him, or that he'll run away or be eaten by coyotes or die of fatness while I'm away.

The Ashia