Entry 000122; 03.25.01

Somehow I uh....forgot what happened this week. To tell you the truth, I really don't even remember being alive this week. Anything. I could have been working, or something like that, but I was probably just passed out on the floor for several days. ::shrugs:: Whichever.

Anyhoo. Either this weekend or on Wednesday (I told you I don't remember anythign about this week) I went to Chinatown with Lychee. Then I attended some kind of community service cult that she's joining. I'm very proud of her for dedicating a year of her life to helping people or something like that. Teaching kids to read and building guardens and somesuch nonsense. They made us do aerobics. AEROBICS. If ever Lychee has any cause to believe I am not a most wonderful friend, all she has to do is remember I did aerobics for her. Damn straight.

On the subway home we passed by a jesus freak complete with sandwich boards boasting of our impending doom and bla bla bla. Lychee wondered why he would go through the trouble and I pointed out that if he truly believes we are all going to hell, he's just trying to help other people out. She couldn't understand why he would bother wasting his life like that, and I pointed out that we were coming home from a meeting in which she enrolled a year of her life to jumping around at 8 in the morning, living in an overpopulated hovel, and spending time with small, scary children. "huh...uhh..oh yeah." She said.

The Ashia