Entry 000123; 04.01.02

Nuclear Daylight: aashia bear!
Nuclear Daylight: you wait just one moment!
ByteNibbleBit: hi!
Nuclear Daylight: what do you mean you've been neutered?
ByteNibbleBit: not me
ByteNibbleBit: little ashia
Nuclear Daylight: little ashia?
Nuclear Daylight: oh the cat?
ByteNibbleBit: duh
Nuclear Daylight: ::shrug::
Nuclear Daylight: I was wondering why you get your tubes tied
Nuclear Daylight: thought maybe you were too lazy to buy condoms or something...
ByteNibbleBit: ahah
ByteNibbleBit: actually
ByteNibbleBit: nathan said it wasn't worth it and said he'd rather just not have sex
ByteNibbleBit: which is extremely insulting, but oh well
Nuclear Daylight: yeah!
ByteNibbleBit: no wi'll never get used to having sex and i'll stay a freak forever
Nuclear Daylight: smack him!
ByteNibbleBit: ii dunno
Nuclear Daylight: he's a dick if he said that
ByteNibbleBit: true
ByteNibbleBit: but i already knew he was a dick
Nuclear Daylight: yeah, but usually he doesn't insult outright and mean it
ByteNibbleBit: i don't think he meant it as an insult
ByteNibbleBit: i think it was more he didn't feel it was worth it
ByteNibbleBit: like a side insult
Nuclear Daylight: it still is a mean thing to say
Nuclear Daylight: well I
Nuclear Daylight: 'm happy you can still have kitties
ByteNibbleBit: most everything he sais is mean
ByteNibbleBit: lot of good it will do me
ByteNibbleBit: no one will ever want to have sex with me
Nuclear Daylight: not true!
ByteNibbleBit: the next guy i have sex with, i'm not telling him it hurts
Nuclear Daylight: but, that sucks for you
ByteNibbleBit: yeah everything sucks for me
Nuclear Daylight: ::sternly:: AShia bear, stop being mopey
ByteNibbleBit: anywya
ByteNibbleBit: apparantly we're monogomous now. which is depressing
ByteNibbleBit: i'm not even good enough to ask out, and i have to be monogomous
ByteNibbleBit: though i think his version of monogomy is completely different

They were right. Scary things do live in the shadows.

The Ashia
photo by Kaes Copyright 2002