Entry 000126; 04.05.02

For the sake of not sounding like an idiot broken record, I'll dwell on the good stuff.

Working backwards...

Today was crazy busy. Nicole and I worked and we each had ::counts:: about 9 tables for a couple of hours. I was SPRINTING around. Luckily all the people were really nice (they almost always are) and I got tons of money. Averaged, I made about 11 bucks an hour off tips alone, mostly cash.

I've decided to have a new unattainable crush. I add the adjective "unattainable" in case anyone who reads my journal doesn't know that all my crushes are unattainable. It works because all he has to do is throw a smile my way and it makes the day awesome. If he's unattainable it just ruins things, because then I forget my place in things. Then I just screw things up. So unattainable works out. The less I know about them, the better.

So anyway his name is Jason. I have no idea what his last name is. I have no idea how old he is. I'm assuming something a little too old for me. I don't know if he is dating anyone, though chances are probably 99% he is. (There is a 1% chance his girlfriend might have recently say oh...have been run over by a piano or something - guys like this don't go single for long). Anyway, he's nice. And he doesn't make me cry.

To touch upon some unsavory aspects of things...the next few years are probably going to be a little bit more of a fuck than I think. Recent developments have shown that my current friend population sitation in worcester (1) is going to decline (to zero..or negative numbers?) sooner than I thought. This means applying only to Clark (being stuck here another three years....eeeesh) might have been A Very Bad Idea.

Eh. Who needs those three or four years of hte prime of your life to um...have a life? I can do better than that. I can take up stamp collecting.

So whatcha up to up there?

The Ashia
photo by Kaes Copyright 2002