Entry 000126; 04.05.02

Ashia had such an awesome day today. Yesterday was pretty sweet too.

Yesterday I hung out with Nicole for the first time outside of work. I saw (in no particular order): vegan lasagna (very scary), gay porn (all penises smaller than drooly's), a boy playing some form of key/blowing instrument into anotherboy's crotch (for a ridiculously large amount of time).

Then we played pool. I kept fucking up badly, but I won't say why just because I don't want to deal with the jeers of those who read this entry.

Then today was super-awesome. Both Nicole and Julie wanted to leave early and they both had good reasons. I could switch shifts with them and work 10 hours instead of five, so I said I would, and they would have to pick. Julie offered me 10 bucks. Then Nicole offered me 15...and so on, unti Julie ended up leaving after paying me 50 bucks. FIFTY BUCKS. That is 50% of what I made that night.

Then that boy I have a crush on-Jason...he was joking around (I figured) about me taking him out to dinner, but he kept talking about it. So apparantly now he's going to take me out to dinner the next time we're both free. I told him I wasn't busy Monday, and he said he'd have to get back to me on when he's not busy, but I already know he's not working Monday. I didn't want to point that out for him, as that would give away the fact that I copy down his schedule for every day of the week to see if I'm working with him. (Which explains the J's in my profile next to my hours).

So this is all very interesting. There are a few unfortunate things. Nathan conflicts of course- but those really aren't a problem. As it stands, I only have crushes on people because I like to make them into everything I like. Once I know anything about them, they become boring, human, and disgusting, and I no longer like them. So while it is amazing that i've been asked out on a date (first time ever too) by someone I have a crush on and never expected to look at me, it's saddening to know that I will learn more about him, and, of course, not like him anymore. Just tonight I learned that he smokes, and according to Nicole, he's a huge slut (though she didn't have much to back this judgement up with, but I'm going to go with that for the present).

Ahh but wait, the romantic plot does not end there. A very fat (500 pounder, I'd say), very drunk, very disgusting man came into work around 2am. He told me i was "cute" and asked me out. I told him I err...had a boyfriend. And he said "Aww goddamit! You can't say no! The stripper at the club tonight wouldn't go out with me either!" Ah...well. Then I pointed out that now that I knew he frequents strip clubs, I wanted to go out with him much more. He insisted that I didn't have a boyfriend and I ended up having to tell him Jason was my boyfriend. He gave me a high-five. Then he fell asleep.


The Ashia
photo by Kaes Copyright 2002