Entry 000131; 04.23.02

Soooo....Adam is getting married. I was the first person he told. (Aside from the lucky girl). I was eating when I found out, and the end result was a muffled "HOLY FIT!"

Anyway, I'm all excited about it. It's early though, I hope they aren't doing it too soon. I mean they are youngish, and there is plenty of time for that.

Besides, when my friends get married, it makes me feel old. It doesn't matter that Adam is in his mid-20's, I still consider him within my age group. Either way though, he's a smart boy, and the girl he loves sounds awesome for him.

The kittens are fat. fatty fatty fat fat. Butterball fat. I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong here, but they look cute and really, isn't that all that really matters?

This week I'm gonna buckle down and study. That is...spent an hour and a half reading art books each day. No sweat, baby. I'm going to hold off on thinking about this complicated Nathan/Jason thing until finals are over. Nathan seems to be completely nonchalant about it...a little too nonchalant if you ask me.

Jason is quitting smoking. For me. This makes me wonder. He's also not being a slut, but that's not so much for me as for himself, something he decided a bit before he met me. It's still all odd though. If he's going to not be a slut, then why settle for someone like me? Furthermore, how am I anywhere near important enough to quit smoking? Maybe he's still just trying to get into my pants and it's all complex mind-games. Then again, there are hundreds of girls following him around who would jump into his pants if he just looked at them, he wouldn't need to go through the problem of pretending to quit smoking and not being a slut.

He also wants to meet my mom. This in itself is interesting, since I have told her the worst things about him and she insists I stay the hell away from him.

In other news...my classes are a joke. I tried going to art yesterday and realized that even the last classes before the exams are completely useless. I would settle for reading the book....but I know his exmans are far from all-encompassing, and somewhat specific...so it sucks to read three entire books, and then be given an exam that consists of 13 match-up questions as to who is involved with what movement and what paintings they have created. Goddamn history.


The Ashia
photo by Kaes Copyright 2002