Entry 000142; 08.30.02

Ok it's school-time, which means, ladies and gentlemen, that I am back to school. BUT ALSO! It means i'll probably be writing in the journal more to appease the masses. Drooly bitches all the time that I don't update. He claims his friends do too. Do you know what this means? This means YOU HAVE NO BEEN FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS. It says on every page leading to my individual journal entries for people I know to go away. I'm not writing for you people. I'm writing for me. If I wanted to have something where I just spewed words forth for the interest of friends and family, I'd have a live journal, complete with those goddamn gifs that illustrate the writer's current mood. You people never listen.

So as an update, a couple of things...

Work: Got a job at the Prints Plus in Solomon pond mall. Pays shit (8/hr), but the acting manager, Cayce, turned out to be the supercoolest shit in all of this skanky area. She let me/encouraged me to 1. steal things. 2. Sit around and not work. 3. Thwart upper management. 4. Growl at customers. 5. Chase customers away from the store. 5. Come to work in my pajamas, etc etc etc. I was also the "acting assistant manager" which is good becuase i got to have a name tag and look important, but bad because I was still paid to do nothing. I worked between 35-50 hours a week. This sucked

I got fired from Tortilla Sam's becuase Eric (the coke-dealer owner) was high the couple of times I tried to discuss schedules with him and he didn't understand a thing I said. So he decided my schedule was inflexible (the point of talking to him was to tell him I would work however many and whenever he wanted, but again - he was high) and he fired me. Fuckers.

School: I officially dropped out of WPI sometime over the summer. I didn't even need to do anything, I just got nathan to grab all the signatures and drop everything off. I learned the hard way that Clark punishes all transfer students for not starting thier freshman year with them starting immediately.

Various male creatures: It's been a slow summer. I don't even know what happened with Jason, one of us ditched the other and I don't really care which. I worked with him a couple of times after all that and he just struck me as the most annoying little prick whenever he spoke I decided it was just best to stay away from him. Somewhere along the line I started dating Nathan. He hadn't the guts to ask me out to my face so he used a series of word documents and size 24+ font.

Misc. I now hate the fuck out of hippies. I'm a blonde. I found some more kittens, Pot Pie and Eip Top, who are currently visiting my mother but I will be picking them up and holding onto them until about november or so until my cousin Erika can take them.

So for now I hope that sated your appetite so you viscious bloothirsty creatures can go lapse into a fitful unrest and leave me alone.

The Ashia