Entry 000146; 10.25.02

I'm reminded of a thing I once pondered. Namely, the word "turf." I'm reminded of this because I caught the last sentence of the entry I copied the script from before I deleted the context. Humm. It makes you think, that word, it really does.

So I think I forgot to mention, Drooly got a new girlfriend. As an example of his sudden loss of interest in talking to me, it's been almost 24 hours since my last journal update (the first one in a month or so) and he has yet to IM me and scream "BEAR! you updated your journal!" and clap with happiness or somesuch nonsense. Actually, since this new girl creature has arrived, he has neglected to IM me once on his own (unlike before when he used to assault me everytime my computer woke up) and he says one word answers to anything I say to him when I try to talk to him. ::sigh:: my little boy is growing up, and he's forgotten all about dear old mom.

The Ashia