Entry 000149; 12.13.02

Christmas Break 02' - Day 2

And then the boredom set in.

I'm not quite sure what to do with myself now that school is out. I've been studying for my chinese final, but you can only study so much before you just want to jump up and start screaming gibberish from going stir crazy. I've uploaded stuff I've been meaning to upload for half a year. I (attempted to) clean my room. Now that Nathan's sleep schedule is directly opposite mine, it's impossible to hang out with him even if he did want to and he didn't have millions of piles of work to do constantly. It's too cold to leave my room to do dishes or clean or do some sewing. And I think I'm out of interesting-looking books. Sigh.

I wish I knew what kind of assignments I'm going to have next year. That way I could at least get a head-start on all my projects. I should be taking at least a couple rolls right now for photography, but I have no idea what I could shoot that is within the warm confines of my room.

I think I'll start scanning the pictures and contact sheets I made this fall as soon as I can get Drooly's computer. Also the sewing, and the cleaning. It's just a matter of braving the cold cold living room.

The Ashia