Entry 000150; 12.18.02

Eip Top has officially graduated to the rank of 'Enourmously Fat Sow.' HE's developed a raging taste for pop-tarts (the kind with strawberry filling and icing with sprinkles on top). Let me give you an idea of how much he loves poptarts:

Trial 1: I hold a piece of pop tart in one hand and a piece of tuna fish in the other hand.
Results: Pot Pie races in the room, beats the shit out of Eip Top, and steals the tuna fish.

Trial 2: I lock Pot Pie in the bathroom and then I hold a piece of pop tart in one hand, and a piece of tuna fish in the other hand.
Results: Eip Top goes directly for the pop tart. Then he goes for the tuna fish. Because hey he's a fatty and Fatties don't need to make choices.

Yesterday I went with Nathan and the Dude into Boston for dim sum. Then we dropped the dude off at the airport. Then we went to Nathan's house, and then to mom's salon. Wooooo excitement.

So Nathan and I went out to dinner with Nathan's friend Jeff last night at that restaurant in Harvard Square that I forget the name of. They don't have hard tacos!!! NO HARD TACOS!! Isn't that insane? Anyway I was sitting there minding my own business, not deserving of horrible things at all, when all of a sudden I realize that I'm stuck to the seat. Some asshole not only stuck his gum on the seat, but he was also nice enough to put it on the part that people SIT on, not under it. Jesus. As I was reaching down to try to take the gum off, my shoulder went out again. This is happening more and more frequently and it's becoming annoying. So in the span of five minutes I managed to make friends with some nice fresh chewed gum and then render my left arm incapable of doing anything. What the hell.

Hopefully my arm will be better by tommorro. I plan on hanging out with Drooly and Houxby, where we will raid all of the B19s in the area and visit the "Funniest Wall on Earth." Damn straight.

The Ashia