Entry 000159; 02.17.02

Pay attention here. Listen up. I am doing a superb job here. I've been very loyal about updating, and I deserve a round of applause, accompainied by perhaps some small monetary gift.

Aside from that, I've been slacking off like hell on doing school work, but guess what! There is a blizzard! That means, of course, that I am now able to use these extra free days to do some of this work that I've been putting off, though I suspect that I will just put it off anyway.

I've been cooking like a madman all week to keep nathan in the healthy, if healthy is indeed possible for his species. On Saturday I started working for mom at her salon, went to visit Julie and the kids to take a roll of pictures (which, frustratingly enough, didn't wind through the camera correctly) and then I worked on Sunday. I am a busy bee and I deserve some ice-cream cake for my efforts.

That is all.

The Ashia