Entry 000161; 02.19.03

Whoops almost forgot to update today.

All I really did today was go to chinese class, where I sat there stuttering like an idiot because I have long ago learned and forgotten the crap they are learning in class right now.

I coudln't start mom's truck, (which I'm borrowing) so I walked to Traina and called a tow truck. After 90 minutes, I called again, and they said it was cleared. They were like, it looks like your car is already jumped." And i was like "no idiot, unless they broke into my car, hotwired it, and jumped it, it is most certainly not running right now." It turned out that the tow truck guy had been sitting outside my car for the last 20 minutes waiting for me, and he couldn't call to tell me he was there because his phones were down or something.

Anyway as it turns out, the battery wasn't dead (though I had left the lights on while I was in class) but instead mom's truck has developed some wierd thing where it won't turn on unless you jiggle the car into park. Oy.

The rest of the day I spent cleaning my room, cleaning the kitchen, burning CD's, and reading 'Men's Health.'

The Ashia