I am very. Very. Very Busy.

For those of you who may be angry with me for not updating my journal (which makes no sense since this isn't really intended as a public thing,) I have excuses.

So the week before spring break I kind of slacked off since it was the only time I had to hang out with Nathan before he left for Italy. During spring break, I would have plenty of time to get my Graphic Design poster done, study for the chinese midterm, and to use up several rolls of film on Tia. Well, at least I got one of them done. On Friday I went with Nathan to visit his parents, then he took us all out to dinner. We slept over my house and Nathan went off to Italy Saturday morning. Saturday I worked at mom's, then went to Aunt Julie's to take pictures of Tia hula-ing. Then I went to bed, and the next thing I know, I have to get up Sunday morning and drive to Worcester, where I worked at Prints plus, then picked up my fish. I wanted to drive back to Medford quickly so that I woudln't miss too much of Tess's birthday party, but I ran out of gas on the highway and then got lost looking for some. Then I had to pick up my fish whom I had left at my apartment with no one to feed him. THEN I finally made it to Julie's house at about 9 or some ridiculously late hour. So I spent a load of time there, then went to bed again. Monday was really the only sort of day-off I had all spring break. I say sort-of since I spent the entire time studying and then cleaning the salon. Then I worked tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, and somewhere in there I hung out with Kevin.

I was so glad for school to start. Unfortunately, school was not all the easy break from spring break as much as I thought it would be. Since I hadn't studied for my chinese Midterm, I had to cram before it came up on Friday. And of course my graphic design poster turned out horrible since I coudln't get to the computer to complete it until the monday before it was due. I did somehow manage to develop and print the rolls of Tia, so at least there is that.

Of course, now that Nathan has his computer at home and he's learned his lesson to do all of his work non-last minute, I have no time for him. On one hand, I only have to actively work three of my jobs currently, but I know that the spring sports are about to start and I'm going to have to cover those...somehow. I know that next year will probably be better since I will at least not be working at prints plus, but then again, my graphic design professor just told me about an internship that I like the sound of. BLEARGHEYGANFSG.

With that said, I've been too far busy to be in annoying angsty moods, which I suppose is good. I have nothing really to complain about right now. For a change. This unfortunately parrallels to the fact that I really have absolutely zero amusing to say.

On a spectacular note, the weather has ceased sucking like Nathan on a glee-club boy. I actually managed to shave my legs for the first time in like 8 months on monday but it had itchy annoying painful effects the day after. Why the hell did girls ever start shaving thier legs? Why does it have to look so freaking gross if we don't? Jesus.

I've been feeling the need to get into contact with some of my old friends from back when I had friends. I'm not sure if it's because I wish I went out more, or if it has something to do with the impending loss of my best friend. While yes, I can entertain the idea of those people who ask for my phone number as friends, I really should look into making sure some of my old ones are still alive first. Incidentally, almost none of them are returning my phone messages, none of them are returning thier emails, and I have as of yet not been able to directly contact them in a real-time sort of conversation.

The Ashia