Entry 000166; 03.27.03

Dear Davey, It's been about five years and I haven't matured at all. How about you?

Back to things not cycling around in my head right now,

Over the entire span of my life, I think I've thrown out maybe 3 pens. Two that exploded and one that stopped giving me any ink. Seriously. I really have either just lost pens before I ran out of ink, or I tend to stockpile them so all the ones that get too old to use just fall to the bottom never to be seen again. This is why I find it strange that I've run into 4 pens in the last two days that have run out of ink for good on me. Maybe I'm loosing my touch. Maybe I'm hitting the bottom of the barrell, or maybe something suspicious is going on in a dimension which as of yet I had no clue even existed.

It makes you think. Or if it doesn't, at least it makes me think. It should make you think too, if you knew what was good for you.

I'd also like to point out that it's been between the 25th and the 29th of March since a week and a half ago, and it's starting to freak me out. Am I skipping days? Is there some kind of calendar thing going on that I don't know about? Is time moving slower than I previously thought?

The Ashia