Entry 000175; 11.30.03

So it's Sunday afternoon on the ass end of a 5-day weekend (courtesy of Thanksgiving) and I'm sitting in bed trying to avoid writing a paper that just won't be written. I am also leaking fluids from my nose and everytime I breathe in, it feels like someone is scraping jagged ice along the back of my throat.

And I am thinking...'what is going on here?'

Nathan and I - our new thing is looking for a small little home to call our own to reinfoce this cute little domestic thing we've got going. We went house-hopping in Friday (Which is when this dribbling nose thing started) and everything was looking possible and bright in the future, even though the actual weather was oppressive, heavy, and grey.

It wasn't until we got home and really crunched numbers (income: nathan's single job. outcome: everything else constantly) that I started to realize how hopelessly hopeless it all was. Since the primary ideas that are still possible probably lay in staying at Dad's, I'm trying not to think about it for the time being.

In other news, this is the first time I've postponed or put off anything in a very long while. The stress likes to get to me on vacations, and that, I assume, is why I only get sick when I don't have to be somewhere and do something.

I've been keeping a list of all the junk I need to have done before Wednesday, and everyday I work but am unable to cross anything off. It's a very disheartening adventure, and it's starting to depress me.

I have a million and one other things that I would like to talk about - all of them significantly more positive than what I have written here, but I shall procrastinate - for that is the mood of the situation.

The Ashia