this is my EE homework. I thought it looked

mov[cx], dx

Address line points to cx
Data line reads cx
Address line points to a cell in RAM
Data line writes contents of cx into that cell.

Address line points to dx
Data line reads dx
Address line points to a cell in RAM
Data line writes contents of dx into that cell.

Address line points to command
Data line reads command
Address line points to a cell in RAM
Data line writes contents of command into that

Address line points to cell of command
Data line reads command
Address line points to dx cell
Data line reads contents of dx cell
Address line points to cx cell
Data line writes contents of dx cell into cx cell


CPU address line points to ax
CPU data line reads ax
CPU address line points to a cell in RAM
CPU data line writes contents of ax into RAM

CPU address line points to bx
CPU data line reads bx
CPU address line points to a cell in RAM
CPU data line writes contents of bx into RAM.

CPU address line points to operand
CPU data line reads operand
CPU address line points to a cell in RAM
CPU data line writes contents of operand into RAM

CPU address line points to ax, data line fetches &
stores into ALU
CPU address line points to bx, data line fetches &
stores into ALU
CPU address line points to operand, data line
fetches &stores to ALU
ALU executes operand upon the variables ax and bx.

CPU address line points to cell with ax
CPU data line writes ALU solution into RAM

The Ashia