We're Not Just Ordinary

We're Not Just Ordinary
We're not just ordinary
I've lived my life not seeming same,
dancing to tunes that have touched no tounges.
I've seen my lights and seen my game
and wondered why it's not the same
but never minded.

I am the different(We're Not Just Ordianry)
I am the wierd(we're Not just ordinary)
I've seen the sun and seen the rain
wondered what it's like through different eyes.
I've gone and i have come again
and noticed, what is mine is not for the gain
it's for the fun

We're Not Just Ordinary
we're not Just ordinary
There was one word that does describe
the life i think and feel and touch
and though i try to portray by scribe
(desribe, describe, desribe)
it's for myself.

We're Not Just Ordinary
we're not just Ordinary
We live the life we're like the flash.
We like the dances in the rain.
We like the swoon and the mad dash
and our minds roam free, out body. Ash.
We live the life, what's done is done.

We're Not Just Ordianry
we'Re not just oRdianRy
Call me strange.
Just what the world needed
little bit of change.
It's the peculular, the out of range
and we have done it

The Ashia