Go away.

No. Really. Go. Away. There is nothing interesting to see here. There is never... Ever... anything interesting to see on a personal webpage. This is a primitive digital version of some crap floating in my brain.

However, if you do insist on reading and looking at the stuff on these pages, then i guess i can't stop you.

Photography & Artwork - This is probably where I'll be putting scanned photography and 2D art I might get around to doing/scanning one of these days. Enjoy?

Fiction - Just Stories.

Non-Fiction - Mostly short stories and essays that I don't want to put under the journal category. Most likely dry humor.

Projects & Adventures - D.I.Y. and other stuff that I don't want to claim is art.

Antiques - Old stuff, mostly from between 94' and 00'. Archives really.

The Asylum - In the Hitchickers Guide to the Galaxy, a very smart man realized that the entire world has gone off it's nut. So he built a house and labeled everything outside it "The Asylum." This is just a link page to the outside world. If you don't understand this concept...read the instructions on a box of toothpicks.

Journal (Random Mumblings & Mindless Ramblings) - This is my journal. If you know me, or if I know you, chances are if you read this, you will be hurt. Or offended. Or will become very mad. So I'll put the disclaimer right here up front: if you go in, it's your own goddamn fault. I warned you.

The Ashia