You Would Too- [Introduction]

This is in no way a very original story. I got the idea when I was in the shower, while my roommates were doing the dishes and burning the fuck out of me. (I have nothing against my roommates-weird ideas just show up sometimes in my head). It was zombies, and how it would be weird if all my roommates were zombies. Then I had to think of how they became zombies, and why I wasn’t one of them, (so I could narrate). I thought for a while on this, then realized I could use Tuesday’s terrorist bombings as an excuse (maybe it’s insensitive, but you know people are going to be doing it for years anyway so I might as well get started now) and how that might work to turn Americans into zombies. I do realize, of course, that this is almost a complete rip-off of Stephen King’s “Home Delivery” and “The Stand.” But I don’t plan on selling it, or if I do, I’ll ask him first, so it’s not a big deal.

You Would Too [Part 1]


The Ashia