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THE CANFORD COMPOSERS   Links to Related Sites  
    from The Composers' Workshop at The Canford Summer School of Music  







  The Canford Summer School Website   The Canford Summer School of Music EMAIL Canford  

link to Malcolm Singer's website

  Malcolm Singer EMAIL Malcolm  
  BMIC   British Music Information Centre  
  COMA - see below for description   Contemporary Musicmaking for Amateurs  
  SPNM   Society for the Promotion of New Music  
  BACS   British Academy of Composers and Songwriters  
  COMA is a nationwide association that exists to promote contemporary musicmaking at an amateur level. It was felt necessary in the face of extreme difficulty that most contemporary music seemed to hold for performers at the time. There are regional ensembles. The Birmingham one, for example, meets about once a month, and as well as some professional composers who produce a volume of pieces for them (nationally), a number of local amateur composers also contribute pieces. Particularly successful pieces can get passed around between regions. Since the composition of an ensemble on any particular day in any region is unpredictable, COMA seeks pieces of flexible scoring and this can be a serious challenge for the composer. A "COMA piece" can therefore be totally graphic, include staves with dots etc. but no clef, or specified pitch with many transpositions of parts available etc.  

Web Developer (and composer), Pamela A. Milner:

Tel: 01974 272342 or EMAIL Pam