HeRe ArE sOmE oF tHe hArD bRaIn TeAsErS wE hAvE pIcKeD oUt FoR yOu To TrY!!! GOOD LUCK!!
MASTER PIECE MYSTERY!! An artist is painting on a canvas measuring two metres by two metres. He would like to cover half the canvas in a sky blue paint, but he also wants to leave a square section blank, which is still two metres high and two metres wide. IS IT POSSIBLE FOR HIM TO DO BOTH??
LUCKY LETTERS! Six friends are playing a word game. To see who will start, they each draw a letter tile from a bag containg all the letters of the alphabet. Anna pulls out a J, Simon pulls out an R, Lauren pulls out and H, Joe pulls out a P and Marie Claire pulls out a C. Jaqueline's letter completes the sequence perfectly. WHAT IT IT??
BOTTLE BARGAIN! A bottle and a cork cost together £25 and the bottle costs £20 more than the cork. HOW MUCH DOES EACH COST??!!
cLiCk HeRe FoR aNsWeRs
MaIn MeNu
MaIn PaGe
uNaNsWeRabLe QuEsTiOnS
SaM LoYd PuZzLeS
eAsY bRaIn TeAsErS
MeDiUm BrAiN tEaSeRs
OpTiCaL iLLuSiOnS 1
oPtIcAl iLLuSioNs 2
OpTicAl iLLuSiOnS 3
qUiCk QuEsTiOnS
wHo Am I?
BiZaRrE rEcOrDs
LeAvE tHe SiTe