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HaRd BrAiN tEaSeRs AnSwErS

MaStEr PiEcE mYsTeRy- he can created his desired image-as shown above.

LuCkY LeTtErS-E. Starting from the middle of the alphabet, the boys go forwards the number of letter in their name. The girls go backwards the number of letters in their name.
BoTtLe BaRgAiN-The bottle costs £22.50 and the cork costs £2.50
If you've managed these brain teasers then congratulations!!!

MaIn MeNu

MaIn PaGe

UnAnSwErAbLe QuEsTiOnS
sAm LoYd pUzZlEs
eAsY bRaIn TeAsErS
MeDiUm BrAiN tEaSeRs
hArD bRaIn TeAsErS
OpTiCaL iLLuSiOnS 1
OpTiCaL iLLuSiOnS 2
oPtiCaL iLLuSiOnS 3
QuIcK qUeStIoNs
wHo Am i?
bIzArRe ReCoRdS

LeAvE tHe SiTe