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mEdIuM bRaIn tEaSeRs

HeRe aRe sOmE "MeDiUm" bRaIn tEaSeRs tHaT wE'vE pIcKeD oUt fOr yOu tO tRy!

BIRTHDAY!! Two days ago Freddeta was 18. Next year, she will be 21. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??
ICE CREAM BONUS!! Paul has had a very successful summer with his ice cream stand on the sea front. He has a total of £200 bonus pay for his three employers. To his longest serving employee he wishes to give twice as much as to the second longest serving employee who in turn is to receive twice as much as the last employee. What are the nearest figures to the full pound with which he can achieve this and how much will he have left from the £200?
PROBLEM POUNDS!! If you have the same amount of money as your friend how much should you give him so that he will have £10 more than you?

cLiCk hErE FoR aNsWeRs!

MaIn mEnU

MaIn pAgE
UnAnSwErAbLe QuEsTiOnS
sAm LoYd PuZzLeS
eAsY bRaIn tEaSeRs
HaRd BrAiN tEaSeRs
OpTiCaL iLLuSiOnS 1
oPtiCaL iLLuSioNs 2
OpTiCal iLLuSiOnS 3
qUiCk QuEsTiOnS
WhO aM i?
bIzArRe ReCoRdS

LeAvE tHe sItE