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HeRe aRe tHe QuIcK qUeStIoNs aNsWeRs!

1) A towell!
2) Lunch, tea, dinner and supper!
3) Normal, most of us prefer to have some fingers on our left hand too!
4) An egg!
5) A hole!
6) An ear of corn!
7) There are more men in China then in Japan!
8) If the tomatoes were tinned!
HoW WeLL dId yOu dO?

MaIn MeNu

mAiN pAgE
UnAnSwErAbLe qUeStIoNs
sAm lOyD PuZzLeS
EaSy bRaIn tEaSeRs
MeDiUm bRaIn tEaSeRs
hArD BrAiN TeAsErS
OpTiCaL iLLuSiOnS 1
oPtIcAl iLLuSiOnS 2
OpTiCaL iLLuSiOnS 3
QuIcK qUeStIoNs
wHo Am i?
bIzArRe ReCoRdS

lEaVe tHe SiTe