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HeRe aRe sOmE RiDdLeS fOr YoU tO tEsT yOuR wItS AgAiNsT!

1) My first is in TREACLE and also in TRACE*~*~*~* My second is in FREEDOM, but not in FACE*~*~*~* My third is in APPLE and also in PEAR*~*~*~* My fourth is in SEAHORSE, but not in STAIR*~*~*~* My fifth is in SPICES, but not in CAPER*~*~*~* My whole is in houses and churches and paper.
2) My first is in RADAR and also in DRIVEN*~*~*~* My second is in OBVIOUS and also in OAK*~*~*~* My third is in LION and also in LIMIT*~*~*~* My fourth is in PEANUT and also in PILE*~*~*~* My fifth is in HAPPINESS, but never in SAD*~*~*~* My sixth is in INVERNESS and also in INDIA*~*~*~* My seventh is in NIGHT and also in OCEAN*~*~*~* My whole is in seas and rivers and world.
3) A riddle coined by Lord Chesterfield in his celebrated letters to his son: *~*~*~* Scorned by the meek and humble minded, And often by the vain possessed, Heard by the deaf, seen by the blind. I give the troubled spirit rest. *~*~*~*
4) My first is in MAYBE and also in MIGHT*~*~*~* My second is i STRONG, but not in SIGHT*~*~*~* My third is in NASTY and also in NIGHTMARE*~*~*~* My fourth is in SELFISH and also AWARE*~*~*~* My fifth is in CITY, but not in HOVEL*~*~*~* My whole is in banks and writers of novels.
5) My first is in DELIGHT and also in DREAM*~*~*~* My second is in ASQUITH, but not in QUEEN*~*~*~* My third is in YESTERDAY and also in TODAY*~*~*~* My fourth is in APRIL, but never in MAY*~*~*~* My fifth is in ITCHING and also in SIGHT*~*~*~* My sixth is in GRACEFUL and also in FLIGHT*~*~*~* My seventh is in HEAVEN an also in HELL*~*~*~* My eighth is in TALKING and also in TELL*~*~*~* My whole is in mornings, long evenings and fun. Covering all with the warmth of the sun.

cLiCk hErE fOr aNsWeRs

MaIn mEnU

MaIn PaGe
UnAnSwErEd qUeStIoNs
sAm lOyD pUzZLeS
EaSy bRaIn tEaSeRs
mEdIuM bRaIn TeAsErS
HaRd BrAiN tEaSeRs
OpTiCaL iLLuSiOnS 1
OpTiCaL iLLuSiOnS 2
OpTiCaL iLLuSiOnS 3
quIcK qUeStIoNs
WhO aM i?
BiZaRrE wOrLd rEcOrDs

lEaVe ThE sItE