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wHo Am I aNsWeRs!

HeRe aRe thE "WhO aM i" aNsWeRs!

1) A cabbage!
2) The River Mississippi!
3) A horse and his rider!
4) A gun!
5) A coffin!
6) An alarm clock!
7) A pillow!
8) A mushroom!
9) An hourglass!
10) Stone!
11) The letter "V"!
12) A snowman!
HoW mAnY dId yOu GeT rIgHt???

MaIn mEnU

mAiN pAgE
UnAnSwErAbLe qUeStIoNs
sAm LoYd PuZzLeS
eAsY bRaIn tEaSeRs
MeDiUm BrAiN tEaSeRs
HaRd bRaIn TeAsErS
oPtIcAl iLLuSiOnS 1
OpTiCaL iLLuSiOnS 2
oPtIcAl iLLuSiOnS 3
qUiCk qUeStIoNs
wHo Am I?
BiZaRrE rEcOrDs

lEaVe tHe SiTe