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Halloween '04

Friday Night - TX

Yay costumes.

Yay girlgoyles minus TX?

Yay what looks to be like tribal dancing.

More tribal dancing.

Julie and Melissa with drummer from TX band.

Unfortunately I was too drunk Friday night to even think of taking more pictures. As you go on to the next pictures you'll notice holes in my shirt. Somehow V decided it was a good idea for me to stab myself with a box cutter while I was tipsy.

Saturday Night at Ryan's Apt.

Julie being an emo kid and Drew, who was a stripper assassin except you can't tell in this picture.

Julie and Drew again! Notice how we stripped Drew after the last picture.

The most awesome fishtank at Ryan's apt.

Julie and Paul.

Uhh... eep?

More eep.

Paul, me and _____?

For some reason half the pictures we took involved someone bending over.

Ryan bending over.

WTF, mate?

Stevens Costume Party Sunday Night

Diegel and Juan.

The girls. YAY Mel and Shayna won!

Ian is oh so very sexy.

Sexy enough to be groped by two girls.

Lawrence as... himself!

Lawrence licking himself?

Manny and Andrew!

Becca and Manny!

Sam and Mel. Sam's an Aramark dude.

Me and Mel.


More people.

Sponge Bob and Andrew. Who the hell was in the Sponge Bob costume?!?