Silly (but happy!) me...
January 13 - Clicky here
January 12 - I thought of something smart. There's a huge responsibility that comes with saying "I love you," and most guys (or people, I dont know) don't realize that. Because once you say those words both people are vulnerable and you're making the other person a part of you, or something like that. I don't know how to explain it any better.Onto more normal stuff... Actually, nothing to write about. Today I realized that I do. Which sucks. Must stop. Whee back to school tomorrow. Some 15 year old kid IMed me today saying he's jerking off and asking if I'm horny and asking to say something sexy. It was sooooo funny. Wow. So sad. Gah, I'm leaving tomorrow and I have so many insecurities about us. And I don't want to bring them up. Mostly because I'm probably making a bigger deal out of everything than it really is and it probably won't matter in the end. But I am bothered by it all. And I would like to know exactly what's going on in his brain. Oh well. Maybe being there will help me not think about stuff.
January 11 - I'm bored as hell, so after babbling in my dj for a while, I decided to babble here. Eek, I've been 18 for exactly a month. I'm old. I'm going to be 19 soon. Although I have to admit that this was an awesome month. Oh, and I realized what my New Years resolution/goal is. But that's dj material. Anyway, I'm really scared about this semester. I HATE biology. And I don't know how I'll do in Statistics because I don't get regular probability and my mommy said I probably won't get statistics right away. And my mommy knows me pretty well. And she knows statistics pretty well. So eek. Well, she said I can come home every weekend and we'll do HW together and she'll teach me everything. But still. Oh, and I won't know ANYONE in statistics because it's a junior class mostly, (I think), and for some reason I don't know any juniors. Eek. Also, I'm going to have some stupid hum. I was originally supposed to have American Literature with Andrew and Ed. That would have been so awesome. But then one of my recitations got cancelled and I had to change my whole schedule around. So now I'm in some kind of Freshman Writing and Hum2. Anyone in that? Didn't think so. Also, I'm taking volleyball. I suck at volleyball. I love it, but I suck at it. Actually, by senior year I didn't suck too bad and I got on the A-team, (err, in gym class, not an actual team) but still. In high school volleyball wasn't the best experience. Hopefully the boys at Stevens are nicer. If not, I'm screwed. Because there are a lot of boys at Stevens. And if they all get pissed off at me in volleyball for messing up their game, I will cry. So yea. Kate's scared. Oh, and another thing. Carlos graduated. *sad face* He was so cool. I hung out with him a lot. He always got the key to the bowling alley at night. And he was always there when I had no one to go eat with. He was so awesome. And now I won't have Carlos. That sucks. Who am I gonna go bowling with? And who is gonna call me The Kate? And who's gonna babble endlessly about programming and Perl and other stuff that I never bothered to listen to? Do I really not listen to people? I do listen, I think. But when people talk about stuff that doesn't interest me at all, such as movies, TV, video games, cars, or programming, I just blank out. Is that so wrong? Also, I realized I interrupt people a lot when they're talking. Bad Kate. I think I should stop babbling. I feel bad for Alanna. She has to read EVERYTHING. I love Alanna though. And I'm sorry for leaving her to go talk on the phone. Oh, another thing that's blah. I've been at home for three weeks and I didn't get to see Julie once. That's so retarded. She's my best friend, and I don't get to see her. I understand that we won't be able to spend as much time together as we did in the past, because she's all busy and I'm in Jersey, but I still think we should have hung out at least once during the break. Or at least talked on the phone more than like, once. Blah. Ooh. I read Cat's Cradle. Interesting book. It was weird. While reading it I had no idea what was going on and didn't understand it at all. But it was really interesting to read. But when I finished the book I understood what was going on throughout the whole book. It was cool. Ok, I shall shut up now. Thanks for reading.
January 10 - We made Jell-O! It was like, a whole Jell-O party! Omg, this kid is so awesome! Whee! Eek, Donut Chicken. Eek.
January 9 - We made pudding!!! Pudding rocks! No cuddling for Kate tomorrow. Sigh. Oh well. I'll probably take a bubble bath then. Wow, today was the first time I listened to the new Matchbox 20 album without any interruptions and distractions, and with headphones on. It is SOO good. Like, wow. I love it. I love them. Wow. They sound good.
What Kind of Virgin Are You?
Blah, I'm gonna be a virgin forever.

What's your sexual appeal?
January 8 - Today was Bubble Bath Day. I didn't take one. It's Surge's fault. Friday is Cuddle with Someone Special Day. Tee hee. Kate might get to cuddle.
January 7 - Heh, I always thought I liked the Backstreet Boys more than N Sync, but when I decided to download a bunch of stupid happy songs I noticed that I downloaded a lot more N Sync songs. Maybe that's because they're all dancey and happy. Yes, that's it. But I like listening to the Backstreet Boys more. So yea. I also downloaded a few Britney Spears songs. Please kick me. But it's OK. To make up for that I'm downloading more Depeche Mode. So YAY. Anyway, like, Julie said (well, wrote, I still haven't talked to her and it's been a WEEK!) I wish Alanna was real. It would be soo cool! She'd be like, the coolest friend. Except for the stealing my friends part and liking my boyfriends part. But what can I say, I have good taste. Err, sorta. Anyway, I HATE boys! Why the hell can't they like you when you like them, instead of waiting till you have a boyfriend to like them? Like, GRR! Anyway, more grr. I stopped jogging and working out for 3 weeks and I'm gaining weight already. So I must start jogging again. Next week I will. I shouldn't put it off, but jogging with Ed is so much more fun than jogging alone. So yea. We love Ed. Whee the nails on my left hand are like, perfect. The ones on my right hand are OK too, but my middle finger is deformed on my right hand, so I don't like it as much. But overall my nails are very pretty. I'm very proud of myself. Umm, Kate's gonna read today. SOMEONE: im gonna go chill with my grandma, peace
How silly does that sound?!? You should never put the words "chill" and "grandma" in the same sentence! Anyway, guys who skate are hot. Wow, my stupid site has almost five thousand hits. Whee. *goes and listens to stupid pop music*
Oh, I know!!! Magic 8 ball!!!
January 6 - Heywood Jablowme! Tee hee. NO! Not like that!Wow, the Hallelujah by Ari Hest is the same song as the Shrek Hallelujah. Awesomeness. I love that song. I love Ari Hest. Pretty music. And it turns out that the Shrek Hallelujah is sang by the same guy who sings Instant Pleasure. So today there were a lot of discoveries for Kate. Ooh, I converted someone else to Snood-ism! Mwahaha! And he taught me a very cool Snood strategy that I never realized for some reason. So yay Surge! I miss my Julie. I hope she gets all fixed soon. Err... Anyway, is it really going to work? Wow... Sigh...
January 5 - Holy fuck, on the phone with the boy until 5 am. Eek. Heh, I've eek'ed a lot lately. But that's because I feel all eeky. No no, not icky, eeky. Kate needs a hug.
I read Of Mice and Men today. Wow. It was wow.
January 4 - Wow, thinking about him makes me listen to Britney Spears. Eek. Anyway, I miss my Julie!!!
January 3 - Eek, I think about him and I get butterflies in my tummy. Not the thingy, although the thingy is definitely there, but actual butterflies. Whee. *falls over dizzy*Too late...
January 1 - Wow he's so fucking sexy. Not a bad start to the new year, don't you think?
December 31 (early January 1 morning)- MOO! I'm so pretty wow. My dad took lots of pictures with my camera with batteries that actually work and I'm so pretty. Maybe they all thought that because they were a little tipsy, but WOW, I looked pretty!
December 30 - Wow, I passed by a mirror today and it was like, "WOW, I'm pretty. So now I can't stop looking at myself. Wow, hanging out with Surge for the last two days has really gotten to my head. But I don't care! I love me! WHEEEEEEE! I think I'll let my hair grow out before I cut it again. Ehh, I don't know. We have a hope of fun! Or something. Did Joolie figure out the answer to my problem? Nah, my problem is unsolvable. Even with this guy. Argh. Oh well. I'm like, still giddy from yesterday. Very giddy. Danced around my room for a while. Giddy. Yes I am. But wow, last year I was with Nick for like, 3.5 months and he got me absolutely nothing for my birthday. This guy got me a card when he didn't even know me on my birthday. Wow. Tee hee. Giddy.
December 29 - So maybe home isn't so bad after all... Yumness. Tee hee. *big grin*
December 21 - Tee hee it's EVIL!So being at home SUCKS. There really is absolutely nothing to do. I feel all lonely and shit. I hate feeling like this. Maybe I like Stevens because I always had something to do instead of sitting around and feeling sorry for myself. Wow, I would hate to live at home. I feel like crap here. Blah. I need a hug. And not from my mommy. I need friends. Would it be possible to make friends now? If yes, then HOW?? There's nowhere to go and nothing to do. And even if I was to go somewhere, what would I do, wear a big sign around my neck begging people to be friends with me? Well uhh... I went jogging today. And food shopping with my mommy. Excitement. So yea, shoot me. But seriously, I don't know what the hell I'm going to do here. Sitting around at home all day sucks. I'll kill myself if I do that. Yea, my mommy is going to teach me statistics, which will be very useful for next semester, but c'mon, I need to do something. I have my notebooks with me, but once again, that's sitting around and doing pretty much nothing. I'm gonna forget how to like, be social by the time I come back to Stevens. Then I won't have friends there either. So then I won't have friends at all. Except for Julie. But she's working full time. I'm gonna go cry now. Or sleep. But it's too early. So I'm gonna go cry now. Hopefully tomorrow will be happier. Cousins and stuff. Whee. More birthday stuff happening for Kate. Blah.
December 20 - Wow, the semester is over. I'm home. It sucks. If anything, it feels more like I'm leaving home for a month instead of coming home. Oh well. It's nice though, I get here and the fridge is stocked with vegetables and fat free salad dressing and seltzer. I felt special. But wow being at home sucks. It's all boring. And I feel all lonely. And I don't know where the hell all the blubber in my tummy came from! And I think I failed the CS final. Ooh, I got a 66 on my calc final. The average was a 55. Whee. Sorta. Anyway, I don't know what the hell I'm going to do in Brooklyn. Maybe I'll get to hang out with the Powder kid. He seems cool.Blah, no one to go jogging with at home... My family is all a bunch of lazy fucks. Julie is a bunch of lazy fucks. I had to jog by myself. Blah. But I'm very proud of myself. So yea! All of you better be proud of me too! Whee. I'm wearing my cow pajamas. I feel super duper cool. I'm such a dork. I love me.
December 19 - I was studying for CS and then I started thinking, and I realize that I don't miss Nick, but I miss the feeling and excitement of just being next to someone and kissing someone you actually have feelings for. Blah, that's probably not going to happen again for a couple of years. Oh, and blah, I just checked my grade for calc... B+... Fuck. I'm supposed to be good at calc. Shit. So I'm gonna get like, a D in CS. That's if I pass. Stupid Kate. ARGH.So one good thing happened today. I got paid. Whee. Oh, and ooh, I was blow drying my hair and I looked in the mirror and I was like "WOW, I am SO pretty! So that made me feel good. As long as I feel pretty I'm happy. Oh, and I went jogging 3 days in a row, so that makes me happy too. Yay Kate!
December 18 - Today I wake up and find Pete leaning over me. Eek! So anyway, today I ate, then slept some more, then had dinner, then watched TV, then went jogging. Productive day, isn't it? Ooh ooh! Someone wants to marry me! So jogging rocks! And umm, Ed has pictures of me with banana all over my face. Eek.Why do people keep asking me why boys suck? Every day I get at least 7 people asking me why, and some people keep asking me over and over. What's the big deal?? Anyway, for the last week people keep telling me I'm pretty and cute and cool and beautiful and such. Whee. *complains about boys*
December 17 - Whee, first time in 4 months someone other than Julie called to just talk instead of to meet up or make plans. So that was pretty cool. I woke up at 2 pm today. Eek. I also went jogging today. I'm very proud of myself. Now if only I could make myself sit down and study for the CS final then everything would be cool. But for now I shall go bowling.
December 16 - Whoa, people still vote in my poll and uhh... WHEE! Anyway, I put my picture on whimit last night cuz umm, Melissa and I are retards, and I had like, 10 guys IMing me and telling me I'm pretty and shit. Seriously, for a half hour I had a new IM every five minutes. I should do take my picture off and put it back on like, once in a while when I feel down. Stupid russian guys. Tee hee. Why am I shallow?!? Oh, and Joolie is GOD.SIGH
December 14 - Whoa! Awesome day today! My grandma gave me 50 bucks. And I hung out with Joolie. I love Joolie. She is the coolest. I have jenga, and a magic 8 ball, and froggy socks. Which is cool cuz the last pair of froggy socks she gave me have holes in them by now. Anyway, we sat in my room playing the magic 8 ball game for like, 2 hours, and it was soo much fun! I haven't laughed that hard in a LONG while. Fun stuff. I love Joolie. So anyway, I realized that I don't drink yet I have "alkihol" like, every week. Ehh well. Anyway, today ROCKED! Except the magic 8 ball told me something I didn't want to hear. Sigh. Ehh well. It told me good stuff too.
December 13 - Wow, alcohol at 11:30 AM. That's what finals do to you. Sigh. Stupid calculus. So anyway, I was trying to see why my last CS hw didn't compile un UNIX and I type stuff in that's worked for other people and it tells me "error, you are stupid!" It actually came up with that!!! Wow, isn't life great? WHEE! I'm at home, and it's like my birthday all over again. I got a digital camera which is very awesome. And my brother comes home from school with flowers for me. And I got a pretty watch. So it was all very whee today. Except for the rain. We didn't go out. I STILL have never been taken out. 18 years old. Pathetic. Anyway, I can screw 60 year old guys now! It's all, legal and stuff. Wow. Yuckiness.
December 12 - Wow, for the first time in my life I feel like other people. I don't like it. I want to go back to the smart Kate who doesn't have to study and isn't scared of tests. 6 hours of calc today! That's insane! How do people do that?!? Oh, and physics killed me. Yes. Mr. Khotyanov woulda been happy. And we want that man to die. Don't we Georgia?
December 11 - Happy birthday to me!!! People love me!
December 10 - Wow, people love me! I had no idea! I didn't know people read this crap. Wow. And I didn't know people realized it was my birthday! Whee! And I didn't think people would care enough to take a whole plate of cookies from Pierce for me! Wowness! WHEEE!
December 9 - I cannot believe the semester is over. Wow. That's kind of depressing. College is passing a whole lot faster than high school. And even though high school sucked, it still passed really fast. I'm scared to grow up.
December 8 - Wow, I watched ET last night! Wow, that was like, pure happies. Thank you Andrew!
December 5 - WOO HOO!!!! THANK BOB FOR SNOW!!! CANCELLED CS LAB!!! THE DESIGN GUY DOESN'T KNOW OUT ROBOT DOESN'T WORK!!! WOO HOO!!! Wow, if it wasn't for the snow we'd be screwed. 15 minutes before the design class Adam calls and we realize we have a missing light sensor. Our robot didn't move at ALL. WOO HOO FOR SNOW!!! And thank bob there's no more design for Kate.WHEEEEEEE! Trays and snowy hills are fun. Trays are useful. Very useful. Whee for 5 hour naps! Wow, my nap was longer than my sleep at night... Is it still considered a nap?
NO one can do it! What the hell is wrong with me?? *SIGH*
December 4 - I'm gonna be old in a week! Eep! No one's gonna care... Anyway, Whee!
December 3 -
Auto response from Sassy44a: i love kate and i'm dreaming of her
Who doesn't love Kate! And who doesn't dream of her! Err... kick me...
December 2 - Oh, I forgot to mention that Kate swallowed for the first time on saturday. Helium, that is. Whoa, there's a guy with painted nails who would wear a skirt. *DROOLS* Ehh well.
December 1 - Whee! I told myself I wanted to hook up with a gay guy, and I did! How much do I rock?!?
November 29 - I found out what the song was!!! The Man Who Sold the World, by David Bowie, NOT Nirvana! AWESOMENESS!!! Whee! Oh, and I have a see-through shirt that I'm going to wear over a see-though bra...Dan: You wanna hear a blonde joke?
My brother: I don't get them!
November 28 - Whoa, last night was the most awesome night ever. We put on halos and went to the Boston Comedy club. We got in for $3 because we're chicks and because we had halos on. Then we talked to the prettiest British guy. Wow. I would do him in a second. I don't know what it is with me and British guys or me and gay guys. Maybe it's the eyebrow ring or something. But WOW. That guy was sooo fucking do-able. So yea, sitting in the front center of the comedy club wearing halos. We rock! We were like, the funniest part of everyone's acts! And this one comedian guy kept telling us he wants to fuck us. Only a comedian can get away with that! Every two minutes he was like, wow, you girls are hot, wow I wish I could fuck you. Tee hee. So after the comedy club we're walking around looking for something to do and all of a sudden we see a naked stripper guy wearing only a bow-tie driving. Dammit I wish Julie's camera turned on on time. Gah! He was so hot! And naked! And he rolled down the window for us to take a picture! Whee! And we were walking around in the halos and a cop who was sitting in his car turned on his loudspeaker thing and said "you girls aren't as innocent as you look." Tee hee hee. Cops talked to us. Pretty guys talked to us. A bouncer fixed Julie's halo. It was awesome. So umm, after we almost froze to death, we decided to go eat cheesecake (mmmm... orgasmic cheesecake) at TIFFANY'S!!! That was almost like the whole breakfast at Tiffany's thing. Whee! And we were the only females in there, the rest of the people were gay men couples. Gay guys are so friggin cute. Wow. So on the way back on the train this beatiful guy saw that we were wearing halos and invited us to his band's show on friday... His band is called Angel 13. He was so hot. Wow. And he lives in Brooklyn. And he doesn't like death metal. So he was hot. Yepp. So now we have something to do tomorrow night. Whee!My god, I want that British guy. WOWOWOW. Yummness. I'm never gonna get a pretty guy like that. Ehh well. Ooh, I was all scared of growing up, but it turns out that 22 year old guys can be hot. So maybe it's not that scary. Whee! My god, he was yummy. So umm yea, I have to get myself a guy with an eyebrow ring. Just for the hell of it.
I realized that I have to hook up with at least six more guys before I get old. And each of them will have to have a specific property. Ooh, and another thing, all guys that would look good in skirts should have eyebrow rings. New obsession? Uh oh?
November 27 - Happy Birthday Julie!!!
November 26 - OMG I'm fat. Anyway, last night was weird. Kate decided to go to bed and people decided to knock on our door while passing by. A lot of knocking, all from different people. Then we open the door and there's a garbage can standing right in front of our doorway blocking it. Then Carlos and people knock and expect me to go to CJ's in the middle of the night. This morning I wake up and there's a note on my door saying "Kate is great" and my Xmas sock pinned to my door. And it was completely accidental that it was my sock. Weird. But ya know what? Kate IS great! And I got paid today. Woo hoo!Happy home. Eep I'm fat. Wow, gotta love my mommy. Opens a phone book and tells me to pick a last name.
November 25 - So Kate's toe still hurts from Saturday night. Ouchies. And I didn't go work out today. Eep! Fat Kate!
November 24 - TheCowsGoQuack: i can send you the code and you can change the variable names and submit it and then we'll sit down and try to figure it out
XxmchedxX: sounds good to me
TheCowsGoQuack: or we can print it out and burn it
TheCowsGoQuack: and then breathe in the smoke
XxmchedxX: maybe we could understand satya then...y'know smoking the same thing he is and such
Yepp... CS hw hell day. Ooh, so from now on I want to be reffered to as The Kate. Whee! Alanna wants my goods! We're still long distance lovers! Whee! That made me happy. Ooh, Kate worked out for the past 6 days. Yee-haw! Uh oh. I think I'm going back to the yee-haw. Was it really that bad??
Whee! Kate went bowling! I bowled a 118!!! That's like, 98 more than my first game at Stevens.
November 23 - So Kate had a cool day today. I worked, I worked out, I went out to dinner and had a fight with chopsticks and then I had two options for what to do at night. I kick ass! Ooh, and I consumed a little alcohol. Uh oh?
November 22 - So Kate's all registered for next semester. Volleyball gym! OH yea! Ooh, so I wanted to do something interesting so I decided to get a bunch of people and go to Pierce and make waffles for breakfast today. Surprisingly, six people showed up. Considering I asked ten and three of them would have went but they didn't wake up, I think this turned out to be pretty successful. Kate's proud. Whee! And the waffle was yummy. Of course, the second I tried making a waffle I killed the waffle maker, so Ed had to un-kill it and make my waffle for me. But whee!Stevens rocks because I told someone that I used to know pi to the 33rd decimal place and they actually thought it was cool!!! Whoa! I mean, I always knew it was cool, but now someone else thinks so too!!
November 21 - College is about late night cheese sausages. Yea! Ed rocks!
November 20 - Gah, I don't know what I want, not that it matters what the fuck I want because I'm obviously not getting any of it. And ya know what? I wouldn't mind some of whatever I don't want. But it's so bad that I can't have either one. Doesn't that suck? *see yesterday's entry*
November 19 - *SIGH*
November 18 - I am a:Loser
"You're a wedgie waiting to happen, but at least you know it, and try not to be one."
MORE FOOD! So I wrote a menu made up entirely of baby food, and Ed thought of the restaurant's name: "Oh baby!" How awesome would that be? And there would be baby brain sauce served out of the skulls! Tee hee hee... Mmm... Oh, and this is cute too. So umm yea... Kate was folded in half today.
November 17 - So I finally figured out why keeping clothes on the floor is bad... when you spill nailpolish on the floor it gets on the clothes... So yea, I have pretty baby-blue/silver nailpolish. Whee! And uhh... I can't move because I'm so friggin sore. Ooh ooh! Go look at the results of the poll! Tee hee.
Today at dinner Carlos is sitting across from me, looking somewhere slightly below my neck. Then he asks... "are those detachable?"... he was asking about my guy/girl necklace... CHOO CHOO!**CHOO CHOO = LOLOLOLOLOL
A Polish family is sitting in the living room. The wife turns to the husband and says "Let's send the kids out to
P-L-A-Y so we can go in the bedroom and fuck."
JULIE!!! I took a quiz and it told me I am:"Too Timid
You're too shy. There is a reason why you're not considered a flirt. You probably don't flirt at all. You gotta get yourself out into the world and get noticed." So ha!!!!!
By the way, I've been rambling a lot lately, but you all have to read EVERYTHING I write.
November 16 - Whee! Kate went jogging! Of course, it had to start raining the second I got outside, but that's OK. Whee! I worked out four times this week. I am so awesome. And whee! I finally got my schedule figured out for next semester. It's kinda sad that I needed my mommy's help. Ehh well. I love my mommy. And her lip is getting better. So yay. So I ate more for breakfast today than I would eat in one day at Stevens. Being home is bad for Kate. But mmm.... the caviar... wow...COOOOOOOOOOOOOOKIES!
November 15 - So I got to walk through leaves!! And I almost hugged my mommy to death. I realized why walking through leaves is awesome. Because all you hear is the noise that the leaves make, and you don't hear anything else that's going on, no traffic, no anything, so it's just you and the leaves. So that was really cool. Two things I DON'T miss...the stupid static shock when touching a car door when it's cold, and Brooklyn guys. Seriously, it's impossible to walk by a bunch of Brooklyn guys and not hear something like "B-U-S-T-E-D!," "blah blah you fucking hoes," and something about our asses being small. I hate Brooklyn guys. They all walk around in those big jackets with the stupid limp. ARGH. Stupid people. But other then that being home is nice, I guess. Lots of food. Lots and lots of food. Caviar. Mmm... But gah, it's so horrible, I come home and want to go out at night and my mommy is scared to let me out because some guy got killed a couple of weeks ago two blocks from my house. I literally had to call every half hour when I went outside. Stupid people. Why would you kill someone? That's sick. Yea, so when I get married and have kids and stuff I'm definitely moving out of Brooklyn. It's a shithole. Brooklyn sucks. Erm yea. I want friends. Whee! Bowling is fun.
November 14 - I got an 80 on my CS test!!! Kick ass!
Things I miss:
- walking through leaves and making rustly noises. (I get to do this this weekend hopefully!)
- building forts out of furniture and towels and sheets and stuff...
- laying around naked with a boy (Not any boy, Kate's not a whore)
- hugs (I should get lots of hugs this weekened!)
So umm yea... feeling lonely sucks. And the person who should maybe care a little (even if it's just because he wants to get some) doesn't. So that sucks. Ehh well. I love me anyway. BTW, go look at the results of the poll. Someone doesn't like me very much. Tee hee.
November 13 - It's my brother's birthday! He's like, a teenager and stuff. And it's Julie's birthday in two weeks. And mine in four. Eep! I'm going to be old. So umm yea, I was thinking of doing it, but now I don't know... I'm going to give it another chance? I mean, I'm not losing anything this way so why not? So uhh, yea. Corned beef antelope!!! Mmm... So umm, we had a floor event and we were making stress balls, and of course, Kate is the one who is completely covered in flour. And when Melissa blows into the balloon, she doesn't end up with flour in her mouth, when I try it, I end up with a mouth full of flour. Yum. Gah. Football I am? Ooh! Kate soldered today! It was like, whee!, shiny balls of metal! I was very proud of myself. Pixy stix are my friends. Who wants to go bowling with Kate? Bowling, not blowing. Gah, I can never type it right the first time. Is Kate cool? No, seriously, in fact, click here. I tried fucking around with it and I made it really cool and got rid of the stupid links and made all the ratings all witty and stuff. But then the code gave me a headache and I got confused and I decided to forget about it. So yea, I know, that takes away from my coolness.
So three people have threatened to get me back for stuff I did to them today. Eep. I think they're all gonna get together one day and like, hurt me. Eep. Well, Diegel and Ed have good reasons. I put glitter all over Diegel and tried to stick a goya fruit punch soda bottle up Ed's ass. But Andrew? He's getting me back for being interesting and not letting him go to sleep. I WAS letting him go to sleep! Not my fault I was so damn cool that he didn't want to! OK, I'm gonna go kick myself now.
November 11 - Kate's gonna be old in a month. Eep!Imagine, if you will, being trapped inside a giant roasting marshmellow.
Really do it. Do it now....
He sees all...
November 10 - Whoa, Kate played Twister last night. And Kate went bowling today! I suck at both. But it's so much fun! Twister is awesome. Especially when I'm the only girl in a room with a whole bunch of boys. Bowling is fun too. A 20! Oh yea. I kick ass. I felt kind of pathetic though. They clapped for me. Ooh, Kate worked out today. Why did I ever stop working out? I feel so pretty afterwards! It was like, whee! And I was walking and some guy said that I was "definitely the prettiest girl at this college." I told him he was drunk.
November 7 - I FOUND THE MAN SKIRT!!! It's not exactly what I pictured, but it's the first skirt I found that's not a kilt. What I had in mind is this: a long black skirt, perhaps with zippers or a cool belt, with a slit in the front, with the guy wearing pants underneath. I don't want the skirt to be too tight or stretchy. Oh yumm... Anyway... I talk in my sleep! Apparently I mumble and say stuff to Melissa while she is walking out of the room. And then I snore. Ehh well. I found the man skirt!!! Now if only I could find a guy who would wear one...
November 6 - So I decided to mix Sprite and seltzer. It doesn't taste too bad. Kinda good actually. Not too sweet. Makes your floor all sticky though. Mmm... delicious babies...
November 5 - Based on today's events, I can conclude that Vinny from junior high was gay. Umm... happy Election Day?
November 4 - Having a peephole is nice. 12 hours of sleep is nice. Kate will cry tomorrow. That won't be nice. But it's OK. I'm all ready for it.
November 3 - I HATE when stupid people IM me.
November 1 - What the hell is wrong with people? What is so hard about explaining how you feel instead of being a dick about everything? Why are people never able to admit they're wrong, admit they're hurt, or just explain what they don't like about certain situations? I personally have no trouble admitting any of those things, why can't more people be like me? I realized that I am really honest about myself and my weaknesses and I have no trouble admitting that I'm hurt. And I'm very proud of myself for that. So yea. People suck. Oh, and another thing. Not only the usual "why have I never been taken out" thing, but what the hell is it about me that makes boyfriend type people (in general) not treat me as well as they would treat most other girls, or as well as most other girls get treated? Why do I get taken for granted? Do I have to be more bitchy and whiny or something to make guys appreciate me more when I finally act like I normally would? I really don't get it... Why the hell don't guys have respect for me? What do other girls do that makes guys treat them like princesses? I mean, I never really had that much of a problem with the way I've been treated, but that's because I had no idea how other guys treated girls in the first place. I mean, I didn't even know that couples go out and actually hang out. I know I shouldn't compare, but c'mon, I AM allowed to wonder why I have never went out with a guy, as in out out. Whatever... lots of confusion in my head. Maybe it'll all get fixed eventually. Or maybe this is just me and there's nothing I can do about it. Or maybe, just maybe, there is a guy who would appreciate me. Then again, I probably wouldn't even notice it and would lose him just because I wouldn't trust his intentions or something. Maybe I just need a life.
Halloween - HAPPY HAPPY!How do I make the sigh'ing go away? How do I make it not hurt?
Drunk roommates are fun. LOL. And reading THIS like, three times made me a bit happier. YAY for monkies! Haha, YAY its Monkey. Ooh, not a bad idea. So so far we have...
YAY its Andrew
YAY its Kate
YAY its Melissa
YAY its Alanna
YAY its Chris's Mom
YAY its Babies
YAY its Chat Room
YAY its Monkey.... Hahaha we are god... YAYism rocks.
Now all I need is a guy in a skirt.
October 30 - Kate needs to make friends with girls. Yes, that would be good. Kate needs female friends.So I'm scary, eh? *SIGH* I want someone to be addicted to Kate. But hey, Kate's scary, so no one's gonna be addicted to Kate anytime soon!
October 29 - OUCH. I want him. Sigh.The Condom Game!!!
Life is one big sigh. Ehh well.
Awww! People DO care! I left the "I need a hug" away message up for like, 5 minutes and I had a whole bunch of people *hugging* me and LOOK! Click there if you need a hug! Tee hee.
October 28 - Can ANYBODY tell me what is wrong with me? Why have I NEVER been taken out?!? Am I like, not take-out-able?!? ARGH! WTF!The A to Z of Sex.
October 27 - Whoa! Kate had the best weekend! I got to know people I already knew but not really! And I didn't get any sleep. And Julie gave me the coolest thing ever. I just need a printer now. But it's the coolest card ever. And it makes you be friends with people! Whee! Wow, I annoy myself. All my entries are all "whee," "wow" and "whoa." But that's only because I'm all whoa and whee so I guess it's OK. I am all whoa, RIGHT? Good. Wow, hyperness. Julie rocks.
So which letter of the alphabet matches YOUR personality, huh?
October 24 - Whoa! I have cool people who are willing to walk around in reindeer antlers, santa hats, halos, and cat ears and make stupid noises. *Reindeer noise*. Tee hee. Yoga rocks. Kate is NOT legally insane.
October 21 - Fuck Evan. What was the point of that whole conversation if he's never gonna bother seeing me again or even talking to me? Ehh well. I want the beautiful guy.
October 19 - What is this, ex-boyfriends call Kate weekend?!? Anyways, I have a halo! Kate's an angel!! Tee hee. And I have a pin that says "I've found Jesus... he was behind the sofa the whole time." Tee hee. That's like the whole Jesus lives under the sink thing. Whoa! Julie rocks!
October 18 - Moo! Tee hee! Fuck you, you stupid hairless monkey!This whose week has been sucky. Kate's been all depressed. Kate needs lots of hugs. That's not happening. The people who Kate wants hugs from don't care. The people who do care still don't give Kate hugs. The people whose hugs help aren't physically (and some mentally) there. Sigh. Kate's hug-less. Maybe that's why I let myself care about it all/him again. But it's a different kind of caring. Maybe it's just attention wanting. Sigh, I haven't gotten enough attention lately. And not enough hugs.
October 17 - Wow, the only time I scored lower on a test was a fourth grade english test when I didn't know english at all. Fuck. I've never ever known what it feels like to not understand anything or to not be at the top.I realized something today. Guys are always a huge fucking disappointment.
October 16 - Die CS, DIE!I need lots of spoons and forks. And I need plates and cups. But for different reasons.
October 15 - Die Prisco, DIE!
October 14 - Wouldn't it be cool if heaven wasn't made up of fluffy clouds, but of jiggly jello clouds? Or just jello? Wow... I want to be in a tub of jello. WOW.
So I figured out that not all guys are assholes, it's just that I'm not special enough to appreciate and keep around after 6-9 months. OK, so maybe I was wrong about all guys being assholes. Sorry Diegel. Relationships just suck. Then again... sigh...
October 13 - If you think about it, whenever you're wearing socks, your feet are always being hugged. Aww!
October 12 - Whoa!!! Eraseable ink pen! Holy fuck! I want one! Where is my network cable?!?!?
October 10 - Shoot me.

Cluck me.
October 8 - Back at Stevens!
October 7 - Wow, so one person DOES read this! Hi Andrew! So Kate's arm is all ouchies. And the doctor did NOT give me a cookie! Kate made a pretty guy smile! Like, forced him to smile, but still. Tee hee! Whee! And apparently a cartoon or something is more important to Nick than I am. Heh, what did I expect anyway? Silly me...The average blue whale produces over 400 gallons of sperm when it ejaculates, but only 10% of that actually makes it into his mate. So 360 gallons are spilled into the ocean everytime one unloads, and you wonder why the ocean is so salty.
October 6 - I'm wondering how many people actually read this. So if you see this let me know, just because I'm curious. And if NO one reads this I'm gonna cry. And you don't want me to cry. So yea. Wow, for all I know I can be talking to absolutely no one. Whee! This is fun! Wait, before I write anything stupid, let me just wait a couple of days to see who reads my crap.
October 5 - Johnny Depp is hot. Yep he is. I'd do him. Yep I would. Yep.
October 3 - SAND ART!!! My new obsession.
September 28 - Wow, sporks with a knife on the handle. Genius. How awesome would that be? Kate has jeans!
September 26 - I put up pictures from Canada.
September 24 - I decided to go a day without SNOOD. I think I might end up staying up until 12:01. This is pathetic. I wrote a beautiful entry for my deadjournal and it's not working. ACK!
September 22 - I feel lonely.
September 21 - Whoa! Fluffy bunny! Heh, yesterday I kinda accidentally missed Nick for a minute... Ehh well. Nothing would have ever worked out anyway. Mya's song "Free" completely contradicts itself. I don't know WHY I'm listening to that crap.
September 19 - Wow, I've been here for over a month. It's so awesome. I ripped Andrew's boxers yesterday. Oops.
September 17 - I hate Julie! She found Andrew's happy spot, and now I have to stroke it every two seconds. Ugh! I want a happy spot too! Yummness... I wants.
September 14 - The longest game of slime volleyball ever played: 12 minutes. We rock. The 37 year old was not really 37! Ack!
September 13 - Triskaidekaphobia - Fear of Friday the 13th.
September 12 - Wow, deforestation. Wow, I wants. Heh, I gotta stop writing like this. Solidworks blah. Whoa, going down the up escalator rocked! Wow, Diegel in army pants! Tee hee. Shoot me. Heh, someone offered to today! Grr.So I decided to start a new measuring system, KBM. It's going to use units such as bpd and apd. Yee-haw!
September 11 - Whoa, cheese pretzel!!! Whoa, he's such an asshole! Whoa, I taught him well! Whoa, Andrew is abusing me! Whoa! Err. I hope I don't have to go home this weekend.
September 9 - Whoa, I wore it. I love college. I'm told I look cute I am cute every day. Sometimes it's when I'm just going to take a shower and it's just my RA, but it's still soo cool. Wow. College is great. Too bad classes get in the way.
September 8 - Wow, I love Andrew. He gave me a spoon. He is the sweetest. New York pizza really is the best. NO ONE CALLS KATE DAMMIT! I'M GONNA CRY! Also, somebody sign my guestbook! Hehe I'm pathetic. Anyway, KAHDUMBUM! I need a word for elephant penis dammit!
September 7 - Wow, people kept untying my pants and taking pictures of my butt. Who wants to see? Wow, now that I read that over, that sounds sooo wrong. It wasn't. But I love making stuff sound bad. Whee! Kate saw fireworks! They hurt my head. Pop tart. Flabby penis!!! Shrinkled flappy penis! ANDREW. Wow, I'm getting really good at slime volleyball. I can beat Andrew now! And yay! his battery is dying in a few minutes.
September 5 - "Lubricate your thrust washer." Wow, engineering design.
September 4 - Maxim's sex SAT's. I got a 1200. I need tutoring. Who wants to tutor me? Add a little sparkle to your nipple! Yee-haw!
September 2 - Whee, Kazaa works from home, so Kate downloaded lots of songs. I feel good now! I am cooler than two cool things tied together! Err, and DDR also told me that I am a cool guy! And something about some kind of gooey cum stuff in Julie's hair but I forgot the line.NOT drunk convo.
September 1 - Wow, I come home for a weekend and I don't even sleep at home, I sleep over Julie's. I love her. Wow, I fit into my mom's pants! I'm like, not fat! Whoazers! I have yet another toy from work. And I have chinese handcuffs! or whatever that purple thing that gets your fingers stuck is called. I almost bit a cop yesterday! Wow, the three pretty cops from Coney Island were talking to us yesterday. Not just driving by and looking at us like we're weirdos as usual, but they stopped to talk to us. And I almost bit one of them. Tee hee! I love cops.
Auguist 31 - HOW come noe one takes kAte otua? Everyone goegs to maker out with her but eon oen takes ehr otu. Wtf?
August 30 - Wow, Kate's like, doing laundry and going to the bank and stuff. Wow, I'm like, grown up and stuff. Well, not really because I keep calling my mommy and asking her how to do everything and I make people help me and stuff but yea. Maybe he's not a dickhead. Oops? Wow, yummness. No one's ever told me I had pretty eyes before. I mean, people did, but they were like nasty 26 year olds hitting on me at 2 am on the boardwalk. But now a pretty guy told me I have pretty eyes! Wow.
August 29 - Herbert J. Shmulie visited yesterday! Aww! Yay! I have cool socks! I love her! Whee! A boy made my bed today. It was cool. Hehe. Evin is a dickhead. I hate him. Turtles!!!
August 27 - I renamed Julie to Herbert. Wow, I have the coolest friends. One of them did it with a hydrant. The other is powdering his balls with MY baby powder now. Another one came up with the idea of a Video Scavenger Hunt, which sounds awesome. Wow, it's so cool. I get made fun of the right way here the whole day. I love college! I miss Julie. Err, Herbert. I need her. Him. Eek!
August 24 - Wow, I'm really curious to see how much I weigh now because today I tried on a pair or jeans I had and they came off without me unzipping them. Wow, Kate got a tour of the Stevens library today. Heh heh. I would have liked a better tour though. But it was still cool. Wow, laying on the bed talking to people online is awesome. I'm going to turn into a complete computer geek soon. Yikes. Ehh well. I realized what the best thing about college is: I don't have to make my bed!
August 23 - OK, so today I got thrown into a lake, tackled, and hit in the ass with a volleyball. Wow, boys rock. Seriously. And both teams on the volleyball court were yelling 'Yekaterina!' when I was serving. I felt oh so very special. And "Joe" (I'm gonna call him that on here) was there. Yummness. And now I'm sitting in a computer lab with people making fun of the pictures on my site. They love me. And for some reason people find me funny. Ehh well.
August 22 - Wow, college is awesome (classes didn't start yet). I'm getting used to everything... I'm not scared to go outside anymore because I know I will see someone that I know. Yayness! And I played ultimate frisbee last night with a bunch of males. And I played pool last night with a bunch of males. And I played human foosball last night with a bunch of males! College rocks! Wow, I found the next Joe. This is bad. Sigh. Can't wait to get my laptop. Yee-haw! Methinks I am over Nick. At least I definitely forgot about him. Except when people ask if I have a boyfriend. Then I tell them no because he called me used trash. It starts interesting conversations. Need code name. Ahh!
August 20 - I am at Stevens! Yee-haw! Lots of pretty boys. What I've learned so far: I am a super sperm, and my sand is flat. Although Melissa thinks she's a super sperm, she's wrong. Wow, now I have to mention Alanna's name because she'd rip my balls off (tee hee) if I mentioned my roommate without mentioning her. Alanna. There you go.