03/30 ~ OMG my house is soo fucking creepy at night. It was so scary last night! EEP! Ha, stupid whimit guys are stupid. I can't stop waking up early! This is so pooey! EEP! I got a $4,000 scholarship from Stevens. Hopefully that's just one scholarship and not all that I'm getting from them. But for now I must start jelly beaning Stony Brook and Binghamton.

03/28 ~ Oh yea, I got a $12,000 scholarship from RPI and a whole bunch of loans. Now only if I got that from Stevens I'd be one happy bunny. I woke up at 6:30 today. I am stupid. So I got up, cleaned my room, cleaned the bathroom, cooked breakfast, tutored a retard. It was weird. I woke up today and for some reason I had this feeling like me and Nick broke up. I don't think we did. I wasn't drunk last night, like Julia, so I would have known it happened if it did. Like, it's silly not to know, but for some reason it seemed so real. Uh oh.
03/27 ~ Whoa. Ow. Muscles hurt. Tired. Didn't sleep after school today. Stayed up late last night watching Dirty Dancing with my mommy. Patrick Swayze (?) has a pretty back and pretty shoulders. UGH. Brooklyn has stupid Jersey lights now. I'm all confused about Nick. Yay, people want to go to our gathering on friday. Yippee! YAWN. Must go sleep. Ow. Leg muscles hurt. Came home and did 300 more crunches and stomach muscles don't hurt. Die muscles, die. Goodnight ya'll.
03/26 ~ AHHH I ate fish! I'm not the only one who hates my physics teacher: i'm really f****ing pissed. but maybe he'll get run over by a truck or he'll eat an apple that had a worm in it, or slip and fall down the stairs, or get trampled on by a pig....... the world is full of possibilities. That was said by Georgia. She rocks. OMG tee hee, Julia loves me:

1. Quiet or loud?: loud as a camel who stubbed his toe
2. Short or tall?: short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!er than me so short!!
3. Weird or original?: weirdly original
5. Nice or mean?: not nice
6. Friendly or selfish?: very friendly friendly enough to pinch butts that dont belong to you or guys you have known longer than an hour
7. Normal or special?: special <>ed<>
8. Smart or stupid?: errr you can't be smart and beautiful
9. Boring or fun?: dance into a monkey pole fun!
10. Attractive or unattractive?: purple feathers rock?

1. A psycho?: no of course not! where are those purple feathers?
2. Athletic?: uhhhhh frisbee?
3. A nerd?: yea you should join the chess team
4. A slut?: life's not a garden so why you being a hoe?? lolz
5. Ghetto?: just your ass
6. A B**ch?: hmmmm you dont sniff your butt as far as i know so i gues syour not a female dog or a dog in general wait theres two animal q'z?
7. A Player? uh huh
8. Two-faced?: well you got the front of your head n the back so yea
9. Obnoxious?: a tad well maybe a tadpole
10. Immature or mature?: look behind you, it's flying potato!

1. What do you think I'll be when I grow up?: errr not a flying potato i hope ohh i know youll be the first person to make a potato glow in the dark!
2. Do you think I'll get married?: sure
2 -a. If you do, who do you think I'll marry?: a guy that has his pee pee attached and not in a ziplock bag it would be so sad if he lost it
3. When is my birthday?: 4th of july??
4. Who is my best friend?: D.J
5. What song (if any) reminds you of me?: sumthin slow and crappy
6. Do I remind you of any characters on TV?:
7. What animal am I most like?: a duck that burps the alphabet minus the burping maybe
8. If you could re-name me, what would you call me?: pookie
9. Have you ever had a dream about me? unfortunately
10. If you could give me anything, what would it be: a pat on the head

1. Am I (physically) ugly; average; decent; good-looking; beautiful, or hot? oh look there are those flying potatos again
2. Would you ever kiss me?: i'd kiss alex for you
3. Would you ever consider being my boy/girlfriend?: errrr wha?
4. Do you ever think about me off-line?: sure skipparoo
5. If we spent a day together, where would we go & what would we do?: heh heh... we'd... hmm... play handball (i liked your answer)
6. If you could describe me in one word what would it be?: katerz
7. Do you or did you ever have a crush on me?: no i had a crush on your left toe though
8. Do you want me (sexually)?: i'll let nick take care of that
9. Do you wish we were closer?: i think being tied together in 8th grade was as close as i'd like to get to you
10. State your completely honest opinion of me here: bro you chill!

How am I obnoxious?!? Which left toe?!? I knew Stern for over an hour and I was drunk! And I'm starting to have nightmares about the flying potatoes... enough already! How am I not nice? Leave my ass alone already! Alex doesn't want me! And hey, 8th grade was fun!

03/25 ~ Woo hoo! Gathering on Friday! The weather better be good. Uh oh. Need people. Need friends. EEP! My physics teacher is a moron. I'm excited about the gathering! Tee hee. Whoa, my butt is ticklish!
03/23 ~ Ack! From now on I am only allowed two hugs a day from my mommy: one in the morning and one in the evening. I can't live without hugs! I NEED HUGS!!! Dammit, if Nick was here I could have a hug every 2 minutes, but NO, Kate now has to live without hugs. DAMMIT PEOPLE! Donate hugs, or something.

UGH. I got into RPI. Now I really don't know. EEP! And I was reading a thing about Stevens and they say that it is located in a unique "square-mile" community. SQUARE MILE?!?!? That's like from Manhattan Beach to Sheepshead. Four years in a square mile? I would kill myself!

Hahaha. I call Abanty and her dad picks up tells me she's not home and then asks who it is. I tell him that it's me and he's all like "Hi! How are you?" It was like... eep!

Hehe, in our stock market game, we lost everything and now earned only $4.69.

03/22 ~ Wow. After 7 months of school I finally figured out what time I have to leave the house in order to get on the bus that gets me to school on time. It took 7 months! I am turning into my parents. I am drinking tea every half an hour. It's actually kinda cool. Except that I have to go to the bathroom every half hour too. I am a big piece of poo. I hate myself. Blah.

Of course I love you,
So let's have a kid
Who will say exactly
What its parents did;
"Of course I love you,
So let's have a kid
Who will say exactly
What its parents did;
'Of course I love you,
So let's have a kid
Who will say exactly
What its parents did-'"
Et cetera.

Everything is poo. Not everything. But there's definite poo that can't possibly go away. UGH. Don't wanna go to sleep all pooey. Sigh.

xTahC151: XxRussianLuvxX: she does the funniest things
XxRussianLuvxX: and yesterday she accidentally shitted in the bowl that she drinks from
Fa11en Star 151: who shits in the bowl?
xTahC151: luba
xTahC151: lol her dog

03/21 ~ I LOVE when people quote stupid things I say in their profiles or in their away messages. Or when someone leaves an away message yelling at me. That makes me feel soo special and loved. Tee hee. I asked a really smart question in physics today. The teacher smiled at me. It was truly frightening. His teeth and his monkey face. I was scared. And the whole time he was answering my question he kept looking at me. It was really creepy. And he didn't even answer my question fully. But I wasn't about to re-ask the question because he scared me lots. He's worse than a GUG. Ha, the icky kid in front of me is one of the Pak-Attacks (spelling?) No wonder I didn't like him. Now I (sorta) have a reason not to. Ehh... I miss Nick a lot. Actually, now I don't even know if I miss him out of habit or if I really do miss him. Ehh, doesn't matter. My thingy is there. Very there. Tomorrow is Senior Mismatch Day. I think I'm too scared to dress up. Don't know why. I went to school in cow pajamas but I'm too scared to do this. Something is wrong with me. Not only have I turned dumber, but I'm not as cool anymore. Maybe I'll just wear different color socks. I'm so blah. OOH! I wore my cool toe socks today! Wheeee! It's been a happy day. I've been all hyper ever since the Senior Assembly. Hahaha. I'm sitting here and all of a sudden the back of the chair falls off and makes a big THUD. It was funny for some reason. OMG, I am sooo pretty! Well, I think I am. Ehh.

Fa11en Star 151: i like your boobies the best
Thenician Dusk: nooooo
Fa11en Star 151: no?
Thenician Dusk: your boobies are the best

03/20 ~ It's peanut butter jelly time! I think I'm going to make friends with a banana now. Penis Museum!!! My friend sure loves me. LiMp KiZZ: no you definitely turned dumber. GUG. That's my new word. Minus the it being mine part. Ehh well. I need to put more oomph into my UNK. What is this world coming to... OMG! Julia just defined GUG! She is the coooooolest! WHOA. I am SOOO impressed. Holy moly.
03/19 ~ All there is to say for today is that I didn't get my Nick needs fulfilled, and it's all poo. There's more, I'm sure, but it's all blurry and not worth mentioning, it'll just get me more depressed. Perhaps I should stop listening to depressing music. Ehh, what does it matter. Wow, people don't even love me enough to warn me properly. Some fool warned me anonymously, an only 3%. Whoa, I just noticed that "three dollars" is written with the dollar sign before the three, but "three percent" is written with the percent sign after the three. Yes. Sigh. I tried making a likes/dislikes list and only came up with 3 for each, and they weren't even good ones. I suck. I should disappear for a while. I should go to a nice happy place where it's sunny and you can lay on the grass surrounded by dandelions and just babble nonsense the whole day to someone who will listen. Wow. This is me not writing anything. Anyway, I should go to sleep, but I hate going to sleep all poo, so I should do something creative or interesting, or just something, but my magazines are already all cut up. I CAN read a book. I like book. But I don't get book. Probably because I don't pay attention to book and my mind wanders off. Maybe I really AM dumb. Ugh, I want to understand book. Heh. Nick was right. The insert key messes things up. It did the whole stupid overtype mode which makes me want to kick my computer. I think I should go before anything gets destroyed... Goodnight ya'll.

Oh, I forgot to mention. I'm such a loser that even the retard doesn't like me. That's as low as anyone can get.

03/18 ~ OMG WOW! YAY! I was right! When I heard that song, I knew it was Cher with the guy from Chicago but I wasnt sure and I didn't wanna say anything and sound stupid, but I was right! I recognized his voice! OMG I'm so happy! Hehe... I got a $2000 scholarship from Stony Brook. UGH. Sleeping bag weekend. Me scared. Icky kid asked me what today's date was. How the fuck was I supposed to know? My physics teacher should die. he can't spell "wednesday." Poo.
03/17 ~ I got rejected from Brooklyn College. Well, sorta. I got rejected from CUNY Honors. Somehow the whole chicken/cock thing isn't as amusing the morning after.

If we unite, we can get rid of all blondes, and make the world a smarter place, all we need is a self propelled boob. I miss Nick. A lot. Poo.

03/16 ~ STUPID DAY!!! Woke up WAY too early. Stupid leaves. Eep, this isn't working. Nick, I'm sorry about before.

OMG. I don't remember when I last laughed that hard. Wow. My tee hee's took over my noggas. That was very wow. Like, my stomach was hurting as I flung her off the chair and told her to blow it. WOW. Laughing is fun. Handball is fun. Getting hit on by two nasty guys isn't. Picking on blondes from Jersey is fun.

PrInCeSsN152: i dun get it
LiMp KiZZ: it's ok, you're blond
PrInCeSsN152: how'd u know!
And the funny this is that 15 minutes later a guy starts talking to her and she also doesn't get something and he says exactly the same thing. And we also commented on her being from Jersey, and said that it doesn't get any worse, and his response to her being from Jersey was "even better." There ARE cool Russian guys! It was like... whoa... Anyway, Russian people still suck. OMG, I didn't get a blonde joke. EEP. The joke was: Two blondes were in a parking lot trying to unlock the door of their Mercedes with a coat hanger. They tried and tried to get the door open, but they couldn't. The girl with the coat hanger stopped for a moment to catch her breath, and her friend said anxiously, "Hurry up! It's starting to rain and the top is down."
03/15 ~ HAPPY DAY!!! I was so giddy the whole day. Wheee! After school we (me and Danny) walked Abanty to the bus stop. That was lots of fun. They are very cool people. Then we were walking back, and we passed by a book store and saw a bunch of books (duh) so we went in and tried to find the books on Kamasutra and Aqua Erotica that were on display, but stupid bookstore doesn't label the shelves. Well, it does, but the labels are too small and I didn't feel like looking for them. Then we just talked about Nick and Anna. It was nice. I miss Danny. Everyday I am torn between either yelling at him for cutting math, or thanking him for cutting so I have someone to walk with. No, he shouldn't cut. Selfish Kate.

OMG! My physics teacher should die! Seriously! Today we had a test and I finished in 15 minutes, gave it in, and asked to go to the bathroom. I come back from the bathroom, and he calls me over and says "did you do #17?" I tell him that yes, I did it. He then shows me a test paper, with #17 being blank on it. He is looking at me in a very condescending manner, something I really did NOT appreciate. I look at the paper, and see that it's not my work, and it was written in black, while I did the test in blue ink. I tell him that's not my paper. He looks at the name on top. It said "Michael Something." I walk away without even bothering to explain that I am NOT Michael. If ANYONE still disagrees with me about my teacher being a retard, they should go flush themselves down a toilet. Some people told me "well maybe, the last names looked similar." They didn't! Michael is ASIAN and he sits on the opposite side of the room from me! That means his last name starts with a letter that is not anywhere near a V.

EW! The icky kid in front of me wore too much cologne and I died. I wrote in my diary today. Like, the real one, not the online one. OW, writing made my arm hurt. But it was worth it. Got a lot of stuff off my brain, well, no completely off, but a bit offer than before. Wrote some good stuff, and some bad stuff. Ate some chocolate. Got depressed because the good stuff will never happen. It might, but I'm a loser, so I don't know.

Whoever said "it's fucking dancing!" instead of "holy fuck! It's dancing!" is such a LOSER!

03/14 ~ Got home from school at 10:40. Happy day! I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Thinking is bad for Kate. OMG! My stupid lock didn't open again! I had to ask the locker room lady to open it for me. UGH. I gotta get a new lock. And mine was so pretty! And contrary to popular belief it doesn't not work because it's pretty. It had been a very good lock. Sigh. Hmmm... WHOA. That's like, weird. Tee hee minus the tee hee.

My butt muscles hurt. Reorganized my pictures today. NEED MORE PICTURES OF NICK!!! I mean, I have more pictures of Nathaniel than Nick, and that's just icky. Ooh, I found a picture where (I think) my boobs look really good. Tee hee. My face is kinda ehh in the picture. But when is it not? I hate it when boring people IM me. You try be interesting, and they reply with "chillen." UGH. Whoa. Depeche Mode. Whoa.

Whoa, Georgia likes Marc Anthony too! She thinks that song is pretty! YAY!



Mountain Dew tastes yummy,
Thats why I put it in my tummy.
I think it is very awesome,
Don't make fun of me, you ugly opposum!
Did you know that it begins with "M"?
When I drink it it builds up phlegm.
So I think you should drink it too,
And then you should go buy a shoe!

03/13 ~ Abanty has weiner pants!!!!

GEORGIA: you and nick are like so amazing
GEORGIA: you like each other so much

03/12 ~ "I've had lots of surgery on my breasts, and 3 months ago I became pregnant. My best friends told me that beacause of the plastic boobs I had put in, my baby would come out laminated, is this true???"

Today was such a hyper day. I kept walking into everything and everyone, tripping over everything and everyone, and spilling everything possible. Wheeeeeeeeee! Abanty opened my lock! It's like... she's GOD, or something. My boyfriend is part man part... I'm not too sure what yet. That's always fun. AHHHH! Leaves aren't fun. It's like, my stepdad's birthday or something. Had 2 weird dreams. One was like, weird, the other one I don't remember, I know it had to do with Nick though. Ehh well. My english teacher is sooo good! It really sucks that I had to have him last term senior year only. YAWN. Meow. Meow! MEEOOWWW!!!! Tee hee hee hee. Georgia rocks. She has three k's in her last name. Oooooh... Guys are assholes. Danny isn't an asshole. Danny is just a moron. Ooh! I saw Gus today! I haven't seen him in like, a looong time. I made this, like, yummy stuff with like the stuff and the stuff. It should be good. Stuff rocks! I rock and rule! Tee hee. I want to figure out what to do with the hackey sack. Well, I want my feet figure out what to do with the hackey sack. Yea. My eye is going away! Ahh! Phantom of the Opera mask and pliers. Ouch. I like pain. Oh, wait, no, I don't. Not at all. Oh poo. But not the sad kind of poo, the kind of that's just there. Not that there's poo there. Ahhh... $1,329.55. Ooh, the phone rang. How sexy. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, like, wow. I was listening to them and like wow, the music made my heart beat, and I had this weird feeling like I wanted to take in as much of the music as possible. It was like, whoa.... I even missed a few minutes of Gilmore Girls for it. I hate Nick. This is bad. Everything is bad. But it's not, everything is so happy! Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! My brother's being a bitch.

03/11 ~ What is Mr. Philbin, a Defense Department spokesman, so eagerly awaiting? Toilet paper. Two hundred rolls of it, each sheet imprinted with Osama bin Laden's face and the all- too-easy pun, "Wipe Out Terrorism."
-The New York Times.

Tee hee. They said "I'm just gonna go flush myself down the toilet now." I should start saying that. Yes, yes I should. I hate Nick.

03/10 ~ "and bless’d are those whose blood and judgment are so well comingled that they are not a pipe for fortune’s finger to sound what stop she please."

WoW. I felt bad for "Steve" and "Cookie" because they were not allowed to see each other and he couldn't call her. But now I realize that my situation with Nick is even worse than theirs. At least they see each other in school between every class, and they have double period physics together and they go to lab together and can hang out after school. I don't see Nick at all. This really sucks. I didn't realize how bad it is until yesterday.

03/09 ~ Three OMG's today. OMG. OMG. And OMG. OMG!!!! The three OMG's are also followed by eep's and what now's. Uh oh. I'm a bit freaked out now. OMG. EEP. What now? Also, the first OMG is followed by a wow and an oh crap. Wow. Oh crap.

OMG I'm going to be a 21 year old virgin. (deadjournal)


UGGHHH. I had a feeling this day can't possibly be perfect. I knew it was going to be ruined somehow. That was the worst thing he has ever said to me. I really can't believe he did that. I really thought he respected me more than to say that. Why don't I go give my mommy and daddy a hug?!? I have to put up with so much shit from them because of him and he's complaining that I don't leave for the night without their permission. But of course I don't tell him that because he's gonna get all pissed off and upset and have to apologize for it later. That would have been great. Two of the things I hate most, all coming from the person who has the most power to hurt me. Lovely. Hmmm... Umm yea, I got into Stevens. Yay.

Umm... THREE things I hate. Lovely.
1) I don't like when people tell me that I listen to my parents too much. I think they give me enough freedom and allow me to do reasonable things.
2) I don't like when people apologize for the same thing over and over. UGH, and he sounds so sincere when he apologizes, I don't know what to think of it.
3) I hate going to bed with bad stuff on my mind and with unresolved disagreements. Another part of (3) is that I really don't like when I am having a fight type thing with someone and they just kind of leave right in the middle leaving me with all kinds of worries.

Oh, and another thing that bothers me is that I never ever fight with anyone and therefore I know that the second I fight with someone, that no kind of friendship is going to work out between me and that person. So now this scares me a bit. Oh, and he scared me lots with what he said. My hands are still shaking and my throat and chest still hurt. Gotta breathe...

03/07 ~ I think I'm addicted to Ragu pasta sauce. Mmmmmm... it is sooo good. Will took my thingy. (not THE thingy, but just my thingy) He better take good care of it. Uh oh, what if he doesn't? Now I'm scared... OMG I HATE Stevens. I come home. See a big envelope and get all excited. (they wouldn't send me a big envelope if they were rejecting me, duh) I open it, and I see a Stevens newsletter instead of the "congratulations, you've been accepted" letter. UGH. That pissed me off. Something else pissed me off today, but I can't remember.

UGH. Being upset is bad for my nails. Not because of the whole stress thing and all the BS they talk about in magazines. I just cut them off if I'm upset.

03/06 ~ I was told I have a "cool forehead." Hmm... interesting. During Shakesperian times it was considered sexy when a woman talked with a lisp. That is how they flirted. I want to be sexy too. From now on, I'm gonna practice talking with a lisp. No guy will be able to resist me. Nick, I am sorry. Tee hee. The sweetest thing was said to me today. My english teacher (he's the coolest) told us to think of a time we were insulted, and I said I couldn't, because nothing came to mind at that moment. So Sean decided to insult me, and after a few seconds he's like "nah, I can't say anything bad about you, I love you too much." It was like... AWWW. Tee hee.

There's something I WANT, but I'm not going to say what. It's not even a something. It's more like a gesture type thing. It would make me really happy and mean a lot to me. But if I say what it is and I get it, then it won't mean as much to me. All I can say is that it really is the little things that matter most.

03/05 ~ Physics Lab. Third period. Topic of conversation at two different tables: "Kate is a genius. She got a FIVE on AP Chemistry last year. Oh my god!" Blah blah. I enjoyed the attention. Then everyone came over to me to ask for answers. They should die a little. Tee hee. I made this kid angry. He's so cute when he's angry! He wasn't really angry, but I was acting all happy and hyper and he pretended he was annoyed. It was cute. And I'm a genius. Ooh, I got a 97 on an English test! It was on Shakespeare too! Wow, my teacher is really good. Who wants to help me write a parody of "to be or not to be?" Erm... Nick doesn't love me. Oh well. I smell like retard. My ex is jealous of Nick. Not the bad kind of angry jealous, the good kind of "wow I wish I was him and I'm really happy for both of you and he better know how lucky he is" jealous. Tee hee.

Rory's boyfriend is so lickable... mmmm... And I feel so bad for her mom! She should definitely be with the father, it wouldn't be fair any other way! Hehe.

03/04 ~ My physics teacher should die. Seriously. I will be adding stuff to my why's.
03/03 ~ In exactly a year the date will be 03/03/03. Anyway... This is so disturbing. Second term senior year. Three months of school left (eeek!). Kate has work to do. Lots of work. And tests. Lots of tests. I actually have to study for them. This really sucks. But ooh, cool stuff. I calculated that I should get a 5 on the AP Calculus AB exam. Of course, if I spend my time calculating this instead of integrating transcendental functions and solving second-order diffeques, I might not get a 5. But as long as I don't all of a sudden turn dumb, I should get a 5. Ha, I made my mommy read the stuff about the stuff with the stuff (yea, I don't sound smart anymore) and even she got all confused. So I AM smart. Like my cousin says - "yes Kate, you're smart, S-M-R-T." Hmm... I had four VERY interesting dreams last night. Mmmmm... (They have absolutely NOTHING to do with my cousin). I've been doing crunches everyday for a week. Go me. Wow, I don't know what got into me this morning, but I was all sarcastic and annoying, especially to my brother. It was soo much fun, until he got all upset. Interesting how my dad thought I was hilarious and that I have a good sense of humor. Wow, I must be a loser. But seriously, it was pretty funny. It would have been cool if Nick was here during my sarcastic mood. Or if I ever get into that sarcastic mood around him. I don't know why it would be cool. Maybe it wouldn't. He would probably strangle me. Oh well, that's always fun. I am working on another notebook. This one's blue. It's very... different minus the different part. It's just very, I guess. In the back I have this cool page, at the top it says "TO-DO LIST" and the rest of it is guys' names all over the page. So far I only have about forty names. But I think it was a pretty cool idea for a page. Wow, I can't stop thinking about the stick figures. Now I have an idea for another notebook type thing. I need a life. Hmmm... I was looking at my list of things I like in a guy, and I thought of another must: The guy must at least be a little amused by my pink notebook. That would mean that he's a lot like me. (duh). Nick seemed to like the pink notebook. He wasn't all that interested in actually reading EVERYTHING in it (I'll make him do it someday) but he did say I have some pretty cool things in there. I guess that's good enough. Wow, my dreams were cool. Yummm...

From now on, my phrase is going to be "Holy fuck! It's dancing!" Just remind me to say it once in a while because might forget.

Hmmm... I don't think I'll be able to say "fuck" just like that for no reason. "Holy moley?" Nah... "Holy shit" would work, but once again, I shouldn't go around saying that. "Holy poopie" just kills it all. What to do, what to do... I really like how it sounds though... Must think of something...

OW! Bite marks!

Milk made me feel all better. Well, not ALL better, just a bit better. Hmm... life sucks. Why...?

03/02 ~ I spent this whole morning spanking the monkey. I can spank the monkey at 273 mph. What about you?

59% addicted to Instant Messenger. How about you?

My hand smelled like penis today. I think it was the combination of chicken, potatoes, and nailpolish remover. Mmmm... What tastes worse, nailpolish remover or soap? Definitely the nailpolish remover. Alanna is obsessed with Fred Calmon, but of course, she's denying it. How typical of her. I think she's gonna kill me. Ehh well.

If you love me at all, you'll click here and look through all the pictures and be amused by all of them! And then you can draw little stick figure pictures for me, since I can't draw.

Hmmm, I'm such a loser. The Marymount reunion was today but I didn't go. I was invited to go to the movies with like, people, but I didn't go. Some reject wanted to hang out, but duh, I didn't go. The point is, I'm a loser.

D is for evil.

03/01 ~ it would be soo cool if I was ambidextrous... but not only that... if my brain could think of two different things at once and I would be able to write two different things at the same time. I was discussing that in gym with this girl... Wow that would be cool. It's so weird. There's this one corner in the gym where I ALWAYS yawn. The second I get to that corner I yawn. It's happened about 7-8 times today and 5-6 times yesterday. Wow, just thinking about it made me yawn. And I always end up in that corner because that's where the lay-up line starts and... oh, never mind. I want Nick.

I figured out that I am my printer's slave. That's my purpose in life. I figured this out today when the printer hit me. Bad printer. It's evil. Julie says that it just wants to play, but I know better! I'm not going to be fooled by its blinking. I KNOW that it's evil. Be careful. Your printer might be after you too. Soon enough, the world will be taken over by printers. (NOT DOLPHINS!!!)

Hmmm... printers and Fluffy Bunnies.

SaSsY44a: and then the purple bears came out

02/28 ~ Ross grabbed a spoon! Tee hee!
02/27 ~ Full moon today is supposed to be brightest of the year. Country music kicks ass.
02/26 ~ Everything is poo.

DANNY: i am trying to imagine you naked
Fa11en Star 151: !!!!!!!!!!
Fa11en Star 151: why?1?!?
DANNY: no...no...no...nope cant get it

I am worth exactly: $1,703,540.00.WHAT ABOUT YOU?

02/25 ~ Isn't BOONDOGGLE the coolest word? No? You should have bought the chicken. Wow, you can respond to ANYTHING with either "sure, why not" or "don't worry about it." If you find something that those two phrases won't work with, I'll give you a cookie! Erm... POETS stands for "Phooey On Everything, Tomorrow's Saturday." How cute is that? Nick is so very sexy. Like, very wow. Yumm.

SOME_18YR_OLD_FROM_BROOKLYN: u must have a boyfriend
Fa11en Star 151: yes, i do
Fa11en Star 151: why must?
SOME_18YR_OLD_FROM_BROOKLYN: becasue u are very pretty
SOME_18YR_OLD_FROM_BROOKLYN: would u want to do a photo shoot one day
Fa11en Star 151: excuse me?
SOME_18YR_OLD_FROM_BROOKLYN: photo shoot,,,since am studying photography i need to start taking some pics
SOME_18YR_OLD_FROM_BROOKLYN: for a project for school

Nick, I think it's time to get ARF'ed. Just kidding!

02/24 ~ Kate went skiing! Cross country skiing is soo dumb, it's like walking only with skis attached to your feet. And you (I) keep falling. Maybe I just don't know how to do it right. But the other kind of skiing is wheeeeeeee fun! I was actually sorta OK at it. A bit better than OK, maybe. I made a goat dragon! Tee hee! It's more like a bull dragon, but who cares. Erm, yea.
I hate packing days like these. My mom freaks out too much about everything. It's kind of very very annoying. Something Nick said today disturbed me. Oh well. I won't let it bother me too much. Wow I'm so weird today. Not just today. Ever since Monday. But yay. I figured out why.
02/19 ~ DANNY'S BIRTHDAY! It's fun cutting muffins with scissors. Julie wants "damn i still dont know his fuckin name and its pissin me off." At least that's what she calls him. Hence the name.
02/18 ~ Wow. OMG Nick is so hot. Holy shit. And he's very WOW. Like, very very wow. This morning my dad left somewhere for a business trip and when I woke up I went to my mommy's room and got into bed with her (durf, that sounds funny) and we were just laying there talking like we used to do lots of years ago before we moved in with him. It was really cool. It felt like we were a family again. Koolaid sucks.
02/17 ~ Peeled potatoes while listening to Chicago. Fun. My baby cousin is soo cute! I put the orange bandanna on her. Tee hee. My granma got me roses because... err... because I complained that I've only gotten flowers twice my whole life. I painted my nails. I painted my mommy's nails. We were both acting all silly. She's very cool. But this morning she was really annoying me. Poo. I (hopefully) get to see Nick tomorrow. Tee hee. I miss him. He's pretty. Pretty yummy. On a bottle of lemonade it said "made with real lemons." I thought it said "made with real tampons" when I first glanced at it. Tee hee!

OMG what if my mom knows? I did calculations with the thickness of the wall and the volume of the radio... and I got bad bad results. Like... oh no... what if she knows? Eep!

Haha, it's a exactly a year since Josh "broke up" with me. Don't know WHY I remember. Oh, I know, I remember it was a friday before vacation, which happened to be 2 days after V-day, so I remember ~ Umm... The cog goes moo!

UGH. I hate my (step)dad. I asked... not even asked... but mentioned that Nick might maybe want to come over, and my mom got all upset. Then my dad is like, "what's the problem? why don't you let him come over? I can leave, no problem" WHY THE HELL DOES HE SAY THAT?!?!? Of course my mom told him that he's being ridiculous and Nick can wait till Monday (my dad leaves for a week on monday) to see me, and my dad says "why should she have to wait? I can just leave, no problem, don't worry. In fact, I can just leave forever and everyone will be happier. Nick can come over anytime." Umm... so like... yea... WTF? And my mom has given me and my brother speeches about behaving better because he is getting sick of us and was thinking about leaving. But that was when we were younger and used to fight and yell every 5 minutes. Now we're like, almost perfect, the only thing that bothers him about us is that I like Nick and that my brother eats in the living room... Wow, 10 minutes later, they're still arguing. And it's not like they have valid points in their argument. He just kind of says the same thing over and over about how I shouldn't have to not see Nick because of him (why does he always say the opposite of what he's thinking??) and my mom just keeps telling him that he's being ridiculous and he shouldn't have to be upset about something that can be avoided (Nick doesn't HAVE to come over). UGH. I shouldn't even have brought it up yet. I don't even know if he can come over. I suck. But like... I know that this is his house and he doesn't have to let people come here if he doesn't want them to, but this is so ridiculous. Nick didn't do anything to him. I should be allowed to have friends or whatever over if they haven't actually given him a reason for him to dislike them. Do I really want too much by asking for permission for him to come over? Or do I have the right to have people over if they're not in the mafia and not stealing any of his stupid clocks or cars (that's what he's actually afraid of... how stupid is he? It's not like I let every random guy I don't know come over... No one wants the stupid clocks anyway)

I HATE my uterus.

SG can stand for Savage Garden or Sex God.

Day after V-day ~ Found out very disturbing things about this guy I used to sorta see and this girl my friend used to go out with. I don't know why it bothers me so much but it does. I guess it's just because I can't understand WHY she would and WHAT is wrong with him. A whole long story. But I was kind of shocked about it all. Another something that I've been thinking about is that people can really surprise you. You (sorta) know a person for three years, and you kind of expect them to be one way, but then they just come out and tell you something you'd never expect, and it's kind of shocking. Umm... also... I was talking to this girl and she said that I definitely don't look like a virgin because it seems like I'm a person who knows exactly what I wrong and I am never afraid to go after whatever it is I want. So she was very surprised to find that out about me. It was just a weird day with a lot of things to think about. And err... why the hell did Mike keep glancing at me? Creepy! I was trying to have a serious conversation with Danny... and like there he is walking back and forth. Poo.
V-day ~ Hmph. Moo!
02/13 ~ OMG! DOLPHIN SEX. How sick is that?!?

>Brittany is Lawndale High's resident "airhead blonde." She is the head of the varsity cheerleading squad, which is practically the only thing she's good at since she's about as bright as a three watt light bulb. (Thinking is definitely not her strong suit; whenever she's confused, her usual response is a pathetic "Eep!" as her brain seizes up.) Her favorite activities include cheering, parties, shopping, her boyfriend Kevin, twirling her hair around her finger with a vacant look in her eyes, and listening to the soothing sound of the wind blowing between her ears.

Umm... NO! I am NOT a blonde! And the only reason I am her is because I say "eep." I didn't know she says eep! ARGH. I'm knot a blonde! I'm knot, I'm knot, I'm knot!

My 13 year old cousin has a normal job and I don't! AHH!

i'm a happy hyper hippie hippo chicken. Not really happy or anything. But that's soo cute!

I'm so yummy. I smell like raspberries. Yumm. My nails are very pretty too. Very cool color. I'm happy in the girly kind of way

02/12 ~ I smell like retard. The money they gave me smells like retard. It's not just my imagination. my mom said that it has this nasty smell to it too. Blech. Erm... yea. I feel fat. My deadjournal knows all about it. You don't. Lucky you. I shall shut up. Tee hee. But not really. Not in a very tee hee mood. I'm just forcing the tee hee to try to cheer myself up. Not that I'm upset. I'm just blah.

Yay! Julia found herself a nice boy who has a job and is in college. And he's jewish! AND he's not a squid! Oh, and he doesn't curse! Whoa! Go her! I'm jealous.

Since my TV is BROKEN and I can't watch Gilmore Girls, I'm gonna write something from the last episode that I keep forgetting to tell people about but it was the funniest thing. Err... The guy says "we should get married" and the girl answers (completely serious) "Why? Are you pregnant?" Tee hee hee hee hee. OK. I gotta control my tee hee's. But like whoa that's funny. And err... OH NO! It's a new episode today! Ahh! Stupid TV. Grrr. Poo.

My nails are pretty. Nick is pretty. Life is just pretty. Wheeee! I was going into the shower and I got the tee hee's and I couldn't stop. My mommy was laughing at me. Oh yea, back to the Nick being pretty thing. I was looking at pictures of him, and I was so wow'ed. Like, he's the most beautiful guy. And his lips are so very wow. And like, I like him, and he likes me. It's just so wow. I still can't believe it. He's so friggin hot.

Ahh, what the hell is my face doing?!?

02/11 ~ I've been 17 for two months. The retard's mom was almost begging me to stay. She said I was the best tutro they had so far, and I'm such a nice girl, and the retard really likes me and they can't find anyone else and blah blah. I felt bad. I told them I will see if I can come 2 days a week. Then I was walking home and I saw Ricky's mom. She told me how Ricky failed math and she doesn't know what to do with him. I SHOULD HAVE SAID I CAN TUTOR HIM!!! Ahh me stupid. But I didn't want to sound all like "Hi, how are you, PAY ME." But I should have mentioned it. UGH. I was on the bus and the lady sitting next to me was on the phone with her boyfriend and it was really interesting hearing the conversation go from "you can't promise me you won't do that to me again. Don't make the promise" to "OK fine, but this is your last chance, don't screw it up" to "but we're still going to be friends, right?" OK, I don't know why, but for some reason I found it interesting how something can change so fast. And it was just cool because it happened right in front of me, but I wasn't involved in any way. I dunno, it was just interesting. I can't explain it. I participated twice in English today! Go me! And I kick ass in basketball. Well, sorta. I got the ball in 3 times. (I only played in two games, and it was 2 point games, so basically I won one game) So err... yea. Nick's cool. Like, he is. He was cool today. I don't know why. But he was. I'm not sure exactly what it was, but I sensed coolness. Umm... yea. Blinkety blink.
02/10 ~ Umbrellas rock. TEE HEE HEE. Goddamn I'm so cool. Nick is yummy.
02/08 ~ It's 7pm. Kate's not watching Friends. TV is broken. AHHH! Kill me! Me bored... blah blah...

Were you a gifted child?
Your Score: 48%

Test yourself at geekykid.net

The Grammar Test
Your Score: 85%

I am a grammar expert! My skills are certainly being wasted here on the internet. Perhaps I should become a teacher.
Test yourself at geekykid.net

Things said to me: nAznAx: nice pussy (he was talking about the picture with the chick and the kitty)...
and LatinCuddles4u: ur acting like a chicken running around without its head

02/07 ~ Yesterday my physics teacher was absent. I was hoping he died. He didn't. Today: 3:20pm. Alarm rings for me to get up and go tutor the retard. I go back to sleep. 4:20. Phone rings. I hear mommy's voice. Uh oh. Mommy gets home at 4:15. I have to be at the retard's house at 4. SOMETHING's not right. Oops. I think I'm gonna tell the retard I can't deal with it anymore. Cuz I can't. I called it stupid by accident today. I calculated that with the amount of time it takes to get there and back, and me having to pay for one of the bus rides there, I end up making $2.83 an hour. POOO! And my mommy doesn't see it as wrong. Although today I told her the reason I started tutoring it was because her birthday was coming up. Now she feels guilty. Ehh well. Now I can get wheels for my rollerblades. Yay.
02/05 ~ Wow I woke up at 2:30am today and just laid there staring at my ceiling for 3 hours. Poo. But the whole day everything has been very tee hee hee cuz of the lack of sleep. People might think I'm a bit pshycho. That's OK. Got report cards today. 92.83 average. How the hell is it possible to have a 99.0 average while taking two AP's?!? Wow I'm jealous. Umm... yawn... Transcendental functions and stuff. Shoot me. Even SmarterChild refused to tell me what those are. Ack. Wow. Girls keep telling me how cute I am. Eep. Why?!?
02/04 ~ You see... the thing about cats and dogs is that... cats are cats... and dogs are dogs...

Kate's gonna die... I love Nick. Kate's gonna die. I'm a masochist. When Nick left I cut myself. Tee hee.

02/03 ~ UGGHHHHH.

USELESS KNOWLEDGE If you wanna impress me, go there. "Mageiricophobia" is the intense fear of having to cook.

Tee hee. Kate showered, put on her cow pajamas and went to sleep (well not yet). Happiness.

Oh my fucking god! (there, I got to say it!) My brother comes up to me and says "You and Nick had an interesting conversation. You know you can hear EVERYTHING from the bathroom?" And he has a really evil grin on his face. AHHHHHH!!!!

02/02 ~ Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me NOW. UGH... still alive... still typing... still thinking... stop Kate, stop...

Poo. I need a hug from Nick. Make the ouchies go away.

February 1 ~ Wow, February is too long to spell out. In the last two minutes two different people told me that I'm horny... Just cuz of something I said that in NO WAY implied that. Ehh well. Vadim put on makeup stuff today. Will and Vadim ate my lip gloss. How lovely.

click to take it!

Eeep! I talked to a boy on the phone. Now I know why Julia doesn't call boys. I'm never calling a boy again! I don't know HOW I was semi-interesting on the phone with Nick. Thank god I was.

January 31 ~ Dammit. I called Stevens and they didn't get my teacher recommendations. Must go yell at teachers tomorrow. Dammit. Walked up and down Kings Highway and Ave. U, and of course, NO ONE has a help wanted sign and NO ONE needs anyone. I'm so unwanted. Dammit. I don't know if I want to marry Marc Anthony anymore. He's not that pretty. Although i like his body and his butt is wow. And he had a nice tongue (Alanna). But I don't like his teeth. Yea. And yes, "dammit" is spelled with two m's. "Damn it" is spelled with the n but when someone's pissed they don't politely say "damn it." The say "dammit." So like yea.

Dammit. I feel lonely. This sucks.

January 30 ~ My day started off with me falling off my bed and hitting my head on the radio. Then it got worse. Well, no, not really. I have a 1-5 schedule. A lot better than some people. And I'm really happy about being home at 11:30, but again I don't get to sleep. So now I'm thinking I have to get a job and get rid of the retard so I can have at least a few normal days in my week. Yea. And EW EW EW! I have my stupid physics teacher again. He should die die die. Why didn't he die last term? Gotta try voodoo. And now I won't have Julie to agree with me because she has Esposito, a NORMAL teacher who's fun and not dead inside. UGH. But ooh! I got a 96 on the American History regents! Tee hee. I'm so cool. No studying and a 96.

UGH. First I had to hear about the chosen one and the significant one and the guy named Betty from Nick. Then I had to hear about the chosen one and the significant one and the guy named Betty from Danny. All guys suck.

I'm so cool. It's a quiz about me. Enjoy.

SaSsY44a: wow u guys are soooooo weird
SaSsY44a: ur like perfect for each other
SaSsY44a: sooo weird

January 29 - NICK (not my Nick): lol, you're silly, and have a big bum.

Tee hee hee hee. I likes Nick. (my Nick)

Whoa, this is actually pretty cool. I don't know how they figured it out but whoa.

January 28 ~ HW on regents week. Who woulda thought. And I saw Mr. Mandell (sp?) a half a block away from my house today. Eek. Don't wanna go back to school. Plus I had this really horrible nightmare about school. I had the worst schedule, 1-8 with 3 free periods. They also gave me all the wrong classes and I couldn't change them so I couldn't graduate this year. Plus all my classes were in rooms that don't exist in our school, such as 47 and MS, so I was running around school freaking out not knowing where I was supposed to go. And by the time I started figuring out where my classes were supposed to be, it was already the end of 5th period and all the seniors were getting out while I didn't go to class yet... It was a bad bad dream.... And I'm a senior, I'm not supposed to freak out about school, especially the second term. UGH.

Cocoa puffs rock!!

THE Q TRAIN TURNED INTO THE W TRAIN! WHAT THE HELL DOES THE W DO ANYWAY?!?!? UGH. Got home at 3:30. My mommy thinks I got home at 2. Yay. I'm not completely dead.

January 27 ~ Tee hee. Spent most of last night looking at pictures of guys' boobies. (The nice kind) And ewww, CARPETS!!! EW! Cookies are all crumbly and gooey. Tee hee hee.

Whoa, 5ive is very cool. I'm such a dork. Shutup! The lyrics are very cool:
Nobody ever said to me
All of the things we shared within
Now that I know that you can see
Let me feel you up

I think it's "feel you up," not "fill you up," cuz "fill you up" would be stupid.

January 25 ~ No I don't have lice! And yes I take showers, and even wash my hair once in a while! UGH. Poo. (Not that he is the one with lice or anything)

Whoa! Kate is so cool! My friend wasnt feeling well so I sent her a stupid e-card thing. It's amazing how a person taking a minute out of their day can cheer someone up so much:
Myfriend1: omg thank you thank you thank you..... i really think im gonna cry.... that was soooo nice i'll never forget it

Haha, not only was the radio tuned today, but the channel was changed! (Alanna) Wow, today was the first time that I realized that Nick really does love me. Well, I kinda knew that, but I actually SAW it today. It was cool. I cried a bit. And stuff.

OK, my best friend refuses to speak to me: "BESTFRIEND": please refrain from speaking to me... i think we've grown apart... we need some time away from each other... bye

January 24 ~ Haha, I'm such a loser.

0% - 10% (Britney)
Oh dear, oh dear. Far from being a world destroying DeathKiddy, you appear to enjoy kittens, bunnies and boybands. Not a cloud enters your sky and all is sweetness and light for you. Fucker.
Take the DeathKiddy Test!

I'm so preppy!
Take the The "What Teen Label Do You Fit Into Most?" Quiz!

January 23 ~ Yesterday I learned that Chicago need to put a lot of money into its public education system.

I was on my way to tutor the retard (UGH) and I was walking by the (Midwood HS) field, and I got all depressed. I remembered how we used to play handball there, and wait for Danny to get out of practice, and drool over the lacrosse team. I realized that I don't do any of that anymore, and I don't hang out with the guys at all. I also thought about next year, and how I will probably never see anyone ever again, and to my surprise I wasn't that upset. I have a couple of close friends who I will keep in touch with (hopefully) but I realized that I have nothing to miss about high school. I wasn't friends with all that many people, I was buddies with people but they're not anyone I'm really going to miss. That really upset me. These four years were supposed to be the best years of my life. Did I really make the most out of them? I don't know. Of course I would have wanted so much more out of them, but I know that even if I realized that before, I wouldn't be able to do anything about it, or to change anything. I guess it's good that I only realized that now, because if I would have known it all along, I would have been depressed for the last few years.

Wow I'm so lucky to have Nick.

January 22 ~ Great day. So far. It's so funny. This morning before the regents EVERYONE is online trying to get at least some knowledge of American history into their heads. And we're all asking each other stuff, and none of us know anything. I found that humorous. It was really cool being home alone this morning. I haven't been home alone in months. I walked around the house semi-naked dancing and singing Bon Jovi songs while eating breakfast. It was great. Also, I found out that Danny didn't completely forget I exist. That was kind of cool. Although him waking me up wasn't cool at all. Ooh, creepy stuff happened this morning. I was online trying to study for the regents, and someone kept calling. When I picked up no one answered. This happened about 5-6 times. Then I picked up and I heard creepy whispering. Maybe I'm just being really paranoid, but I heard my name. Eeeep.

Fa11en Star 151: gee golly gosh!
SmarterChild: Golly.

Wow, I get bored at night. humunga cowabunga numba

SaSsY44a: chill w/ the hee's or ur noggas will explode

January 21 ~ Tee hee! I can predict your future. YOU are going to click on the pics link. Then YOU are going to click on the link to my pic. Then YOU're going to laugh. Or YOU can just click HERE. But if you're a loser and you just clicked there, you're still going to do everything it said to do before that and you're going to appreciate my genius-ness. My brother drew that. It's supposed to be me in the picture with the black dots on my face. Now I can scare off stupid horny boys who only want to see my pic. Mwahaha! Geez, the whole time I was typing this I kept typing "lick" instead of "click" and then had to go back and correct myself. Ahh! I just did it again. Tee hee. What's on Kate's brain...?

Whoa, Runaway Train really is the coolest song! But A Thousand Years by Sting is the prettiest song ever.

Daria rocks! You're a fool if you didn't watch it today. Haha. Her college interview was funny. Everything going through her head was exactly the same crap that my stupid brain was thinking during the Stevens interview. Tee hee. Oh, and the thing about the bastard. Wow, that was cool. "Yes, I am the bastard, and the bastard is hurting like hell." I'm all wow'ed. And I miss Nick. And we all live in a yellow submarine.

January 20 ~ Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!
January 19 ~ I need a hug.
January 18 ~ Whoa! Georgia got me cookies! Thank you! I love you! I freak people out with my pi thing. Tee hee! Stupid Nick. Woke me up. Why is it that when I have a really happy day everyone around me is depressed and crying? It sucks, I can't enjoy my happiness without them thinking I'm mean and I don't care. I have a really cool board thing. Yes I do.

Haha. I'm so darn cool. I painted mushrooms today. Two of them actually came out very cute. Mushrooms rock! 4 foot long purple feathers tickle! Tee hee!

What Psych-Ward do you belong to?

Which Internal Organ are you?

you are god
Take the web's most accurate personality test now!

January 17 ~ Today I memorized pi to the 9th decimal place. --> 3.141592653. My goal is to memorize all of this: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795. Wish me luck.

Mwahaha! I memorized all of that! (I'm such a dork) Oh, and I'm also insane.( Insanity Test)Wow, I must be really insane. I really like the test. I keep "taking it" over and over again. It's mucho funny. Tee hee!

January 16 ~ Hahaha. I came up to people today and asked if they wanted to see my liver. They looked all confused and said "ummm, yes, sure" hoping that I'll leave them alone. When they agree to see it I say "OK hold on a sec" and start opening my bookbag. They get this really horrified look on their face. I take out my drawing of the liver from art (I got a 100 on it) and show it to them. They have a very relieved look on their face.
January 15 ~ I did it again. I saw Shrek again. Couldn't help it. It was just oh so very cool. I noticed that they say "really really" a lot just like I do! Tee hee! Oh, Alanna, Nick's brother is looking for slutty chiks because he wants to get laid. Just thought I'd mention it to you. I hope that by the time you read this you got enough sleep and are not cranky enough to kill me. And no, I don't mention you every day!
January 14 ~ Tee hee. Went to see a musical thing thing called "Therapy." It was mucho funny. Pretty sailor guy dancing and spanking his bootey. Tee hee! My thingy's gone!!! Haha, I came up to random people today and told them my thingy's gone and they kind of looked at me funny and walked away. I scare people. I'm so cool. Oh, and NOW people are planning to get me cookies. The whole day my ear is making clicky noises everytime I breathe in or swallow. Basically, every two seconds there's a clicky noise in my right ear. It feels funny and I want it to stop!!!

Kate had some of that chocolate with the seahorses. I'm feeling a bit better. Errf, you can't really tell that I'm feeling crappy from above, but I am. Usually, two to three days after I see Nick I'm soo happy that I scare everyone, including myself. Now I'm not even a little bit happy. What the hell is going on?!? Maybe it's like drugs. After a while he doesn't have that strong an effect on me and I need to see him more in order to feel all happy and loved. ARGH. He's bad for me. Die. Die.

Whoa, lots of whoaz! I saw Shrek today. Twice. It is soo very awesome! It makes you go "awww" every two seconds. And not just because the guy in it has a sign that tells you to aww. It's just the cutest movie ever. It almost made me cry (aww). And it was just all tee hee! Wow, I can't get over its cuteness. I want to hug an ogre (?). They have the cutest ears! When they're happy the ears go up and when they're upset they kind of hang there. SOO cute. Plus I was drinking lots of milk when I was watching the movie, which made everything so much better. Wheeeeeee!!!

January 12 ~
January 11 ~ Whoa, I brought my PINK NOTEBOOK to school today and all of a sudden EVERYONE talks to me! It's like, I have friends all of a sudden! And EVERYONE is telling me how cool the notebook is, and how cool I must be to make it, and how they looove creative stuff like that and stuff and stuff. So I felt all special. Tee hee! I want a cookie. I think i deserve a cookie for the creation of the PINK NOTEBOOK, don't I? I think so. Where's my cookie?!?

OMG! Alanna got me e-cookies! That was soo sweet! Thank you! That's one of the coolest things anyone's ever done for me. Everyone in school always promises me cookies, but of course, they lie. The only people who have actually gotten me cookies are Nick and Alanna. Oh, and Julie got me a cupcake for my birthday last year!!!

January 10 ~ Kate learned how to clap today! Wheee!!! Oh, and Alanna has gone cuckoo.

Element: Air
Celtic Celebration: Spring Equinox (approx. Mar 21st)
Personality Traits: Optimism, Intelligence, Mental Quickness <--- Haha, it says mental quickness, that's funny!
Those of the Element Air, tend to be free spirits, creative and fun loving yet intelligent and thoughtful.
Find out what element you are aligned with

Kate's hapyp!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! (yes I know it says hapyp)

Wow, today was the first time ever I watched the Friends on channel 4. Tee hee. Oh, and something about Nick coming back. Yea, that... (YAY!!!!)

January 9 ~ Sean Patrick will artem Garry Barry... LOL... If you pretend that "artem" is a verb, it's like, a sentence made out of guys' names!
January 8 ~ OH MY GOD! Where are all the men?!? They had a whole conversation about keys on Gilmore girls. tee hee. Where are all the men?!?
January 7 ~ Stupid snow doesn't stick. Tee hee. Echoic is very cool. They have really cool hats!!! Oh and I hate Nick. Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!
January 6 ~ Trig makes me cry.
January 5 ~ I hate him. I really do. He might as well not come back for another couple of months. Won't really make a difference anymore. He can stay there for as long as he wants to. Of course, I can't really say that to him. Probably because I want to see him. But I realized I shouldn't miss him for now, and I should think negative thoughts of him because if I don't it hurts too much. I also hate my cousins. I know I'm not supposed to listen to them, or take them seriously just because they're stupid (even though I know they did mean every word of it), but still, hearing it over and over for 3 hours straight, it kind of starts to get into your head. I'm never eating again.

ANOTHERDUDE1: i got a shoulder u can rest on
ANOTHERDUDE1: im different now then i was the last time we were together
ANOTHERDUDE1: i've learned my lesson

Does he want me to sleep with him or something? Seriously, why do guys talk like that? Yesterday with the I'll treat you like a princess shit, today being all deep... UGH

January 4 ~ I have a journal thing at www.deadjournal.com. I won't tell you my user name. Mwahaha! If you can figure it out then go ahead and read it, but the journal may have some stuff in it that I don't want some to see because I babble too much in there. Yes, more than in here. Why do I babble so much? I dont know, it keeps me sane, it keeps all my thoughts in order so at least I know what I'm thinking, even though you probably don't. It's good to know what I'm thinking... It helps me understand myself more, as impossible as you might think that is to do.

This dude asked me out:

DUDE: i was just asking because i thing your one fine lady
Fa11en Star 151: tee hee... well thanx
DUDE: u r the prettiest girl in da school
Fa11en Star 151: thanx
DUDE: it figures some one as pretty as u would have a boyfriend
Fa11en Star 151: and yet you didnt believe me last time
DUDE: i guess i didnt want to believe it
Fa11en Star 151: yes, i know
Fa11en Star 151: and he knows that too
Fa11en Star 151: yea, but that gets annoying sometimes... makes me suspicious
Fa11en Star 151: ok... and now thats sickening
Fa11en Star 151: dude, thats the corniest thing i've ever heard... seriously
Fa11en Star 151: no, being sweet is ok, but it sounds like you got it from a movie or something, you can be sweet, but realistic
DUDE: im a realist at least i could say i know a movie star or someone as pretty as one
Fa11en Star 151: huh? confused...
DUDE: what r u confused about
Fa11en Star 151: i dont know i'm always in a state of confusion
DUDE: probably about why someone as pretty as u only has 1 boyfriend
Fa11en Star 151: why would i want another boyfriend?
Fa11en Star 151: i'm perfectly happy with mine
DUDE: im just saying in case hes not hitting u right call me
Fa11en Star 151: lol... oh, he's hitting me right, trust me
DUDE: i wish i could see you right now
Fa11en Star 151: dude, are you like, jerking off over there?
DUDE: r u playing with yourself

And then there's more compliments and I yell at him for being corny and shit. Then he starts asking what kind of music I like...?!?!?... ehh well, yawn... I miss Nick.

January 3 ~ According to THIS I am 41.2% pure. And "Others see me as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to me head. They also see me as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out." Yay! I'm so cool! I'm also 63.4% freak! That's not that much right? I don't even get a passing grade! Soo... no one shall ever call me a freak again! By the way YOU should take the freak test... it gave me some really cool ideas of fun shtuff to try!... Tee hee. Kate's gonna be so cool!

Ooh, I have a new favorite song. "Insatiable" by Darren Hayes. Whoa, I hear it and it makes my heart beat all fast. I likes song. WOW, it's SO good, I can't even describe it.

LOL Everytime I look at my list of songs and I see that it says "Insatiable" I think it says "bestiality" for a second. Tee hee. I'm sick. I killed my mood.

January 2 ~ Kate cut math today... bad girl... but I got out of school 3 periods early! wheeeee!

It's official. I'm a retard. Wow, a complete retard. I even said to myself "blah blah blah unless I'm a retard." Well, I AM a retard. Nick, you win.

January 1, 2002 ~ Blech